Which party is getting voters most excited with just weeks to go before the midterm elections?...
Results for "ln poll"
Midterms and Polling Madness – LN Radio 10.02.22
On this week’s edition of Liberty Nation Radio: We tackle the upcoming midterm elections. The races, the polls,...
LN Reader Poll Results: Which President Could Best Handle Another 9/11?
The scars can be long-lasting in the wake of tragedy, and the ongoing ramifications may exacerbate the initial...
Pollsters Bid Biden Adieu – LN Radio Videocast – MemberZone Exclusive
Liberty Nation's Mark Angelides and Jeff Charles discuss President Joe Biden and his fall from favor....
Do Presidential Polls Even Matter Anymore? – LN Radio Videocast
Are polls showing Joe Biden comfortably ahead of President Trump truly meaningful? And, as violence against...
Deceptive Polls in the 2020 Election? – LNTV
Join Liberty Nation's Scott D. Cosenza and Mark Angelides as they delve into the reality of recent polling. Are...
LN Radio 7/26/20 – Do Presidential Polls Even Matter Anymore?
Are polls showing Joe Biden comfortably ahead of President Trump truly meaningful? And, as violence against people, institutions and property continues unabated in cities across the nation, is it right for President Trump to send in federal agents to restore the order that Democrat leaders refuse to restore – or is this just a law and order strategy that’s all about the election? Has Black Lives Matter had its moment, or will we continue to witness unchecked violence in urban America right through the election? What is the specific agenda of BLM? We consider those questions and more with LibertyNation.com Political Columnist Joe Schaeffer and Socio-Political Correspondent Jeff Charles. Plus, we examine the state of liberty with LN Legal Affairs Editor Scott Cosenza in talkin’ liberty.
LNTV: Biden’s Polls vs. Warren’s Bettors – WATCH NOW
Liberty Nation's Tim Donner and Mark Angelides take a look at Elizabeth Warren's battle against Joe Biden for top...
LNTV: Biden: The Polls, the Pundits, and the Propaganda – WATCH NOW
Liberty Nation's Scott D. Cosenza and Mark Angelides discuss the 2020 presidential election and who has a better...