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Results for "russia"

How The Left Ruined The Senate

How The Left Ruined The Senate

The Republican maneuver in response to Schumer – changing Senate rules to assure confirmation of Neil Gorsuch to the high court – may well signal that the last vestiges of deliberative bipartisanship will soon disappear from the upper chamber.

Pulitzer Prize Loses All Credibility

Pulitzer Prize Loses All Credibility

It’s no secret in the world of journalism that prizes are coveted and the corresponding accolades revered. As such the Pulitzer prize is the grand-daddy of them all — the big kahuna of journalism prizes. But it seems that long-established Academy Award of the scribes has gone to hell as well. Woe to the scribes and Pharisees whose whitewashed tombs of journalistic ethics which are summarily gone with the wind.

An Opposing View Of The Syria Strike

An Opposing View Of The Syria Strike

Regardless of campaign promises, regardless of anything else, a president is only as good as his actions for or against liberty as enshrined in the Constitution, and holding him to that standard continuously and fairly is not treason — it’s our job as informed American citizens.

Syrians React To Trump Missile Strike

Syrians React To Trump Missile Strike

As Trump garners a mixed response at home for his missile strike on Syria Thursday night, the president is receiving a lot of praise from the Syrian people. Everything from referring to Trump as Abu Ivanka (Father of Ivanka) as a sign of respect to naming their future children Donald, the president is getting a big thank you from Syrians.

New Gallup Poll Shows Media Bias Flagrant

New Gallup Poll Shows Media Bias Flagrant

Somehow the media today sees themselves as above it all. There is an unctuousness and pomposity to their every report as if they are smarter than the average American. Until they realize it wasn’t the Russians – but all those little people in fly-over country – that elected Donald Trump as our 45th President they are doomed to repeat their flagrant violation of their creed as non-partisan arbiters of the news.