Elon Musk has announced his leadership plan for Twitter to a frosty reception on his platform and beyond. Linda...
Results for "Twitter"
Tucker to Launch Twitter Show – Claims Fox Breached Contract
On May 9, Tucker Carlson announced he was launching a show on Twitter, in a video posted to his @TuckerCarlson...
Celebrities Catch a Case of the Twitter Blues – The Politics of HollyWeird
Twitter has disposed of the blue verification checkmark and celebrities are up in arms....
HollyWeird: Celebrities Catch a Case of the Twitter Blues
Editor’s Note: Whether on screen or off, Hollywood can always be counted on to keep us entertained. This is...
PBS Follows NPR Off Twitter, Triggered by ‘Government-Funded’ Tag
Democracy will die in darkness if your taxpayer dollars don't pay for NPR and PBS to post tweets. At least, that...
Twitter Files Latest: Even the Truth Is Bad
Another batch of Twitter Files has dropped. While much of it simply reaffirms and expands our understanding of...
The Twitter Files – Latest Revelations Poke the Media
Since Elon Musk and his crew of independent reporters began publishing the Twitter Files late last year, the...
Twitter Execs Face the Music – C5 TV
Democrats would prefer this hearing would just go away -- but more will follow....
Former Twitter Execs Testify on Capitol Hill, Democrats Cry Foul
If there’s one thing to be said for congressional Democrats, it is that they never miss an opportunity to turn a...