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Results for "immigration"

Liberty Nation Radio – 4/22/17 – War in Korea?

Liberty Nation Radio – 4/22/17 – War in Korea?

Are the drums of war beating on the Potomac? We examine the threat level posed by North Korea with the reknowned expert on Korea and China, Gordon Chang. Plus, part two of our interview with Charles Cooke, author of the book The Conservatarian Manifesto, on the differences that must be reconciled between conservatives and libertarians on foreign policy, immigration and the drug war.

The Cry from the Left: Trump Delenda Est

The Cry from the Left: Trump Delenda Est

How to explain this seeming departure from the normal American pattern of accepting the electoral facts, and then continuing the fight in the various constitutional and other forums the system provides? Why is it so different this time? Why are presidential tax returns more important than an eyeball to eyeball confrontation in Northeast Asia? Why must we place the travel and residential preferences of non-US citizens over the security of Americans? Why must non-leftists be barred from the Supreme Court?

Trump Executive Order Drives Effort To Hire And Buy American

Trump Executive Order Drives Effort To Hire And Buy American

Instead of creating new rules, the order merely directs agencies to look for ways to promote both goals. The Buy American Act is already on the books and the law of the land. It was passed all the way back in 1933 and has never been repealed or overturned. However, a mountain of waivers, carve-outs, and simple lack of enforcement have long since crushed the spirit of this law. President Trump is looking to breathe new life into this eighty-four-year-old law.

Is Conservatarianism The Future Of The GOP? Part 2: Foreign Policy

Is Conservatarianism The Future Of The GOP? Part 2: Foreign Policy

This is the second of a three-part series on Conservatarianism, the blending of conservative and libertarian ideologies within the new Republican party. In the first part, Charles C.W. Cooke of National Review, author of The Conservatarian Manifesto, discussed the areas of agreement between the two sides. This section examines their major differences on the US role in the world.