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Mad Maxine Goes Too Far – Resignation on the Cards?

by | Jun 27, 2018 | Narrated News, Politics

Finally, someone is doing something about Rep. Maxine Waters and her over-the-top attempted castration of the Trump administration and his supporters. Arizona Rep. Andy Biggs has had enough of her bullying antics and has introduced a measure that would not only censure Waters, but also called for her resignation.

In a June 25 press release, Biggs said:

“Individuals have the right to debate their differences civilly, without fear of retribution. Unfortunately, Maxine Waters’ comments condone public violence and encourage actions that jeopardize the safety and security of government officials and the American people.”

As LN’s Mark Angelides reported, Mad Maxine has been inciting chaos for anyone who agrees with the Trump administration. In other words, anyone who disagrees with her. By calling on the public to harass members of the presidential cabinet, she is potentially instigating violence. As Bigg’s tweeted:

Of course, Waters doesn’t see it that way. “I did not call for harm for anybody. The president lied again,” she said. She named the president a liar, but Mad Maxine called for the public to form a crowd whenever they see a member of the cabinet in a restaurant or any other public place “And you push back on them. Tell them they’re not welcome any more, anywhere!”

The word “push” is not a gentle, peaceful verb. It means to exert force or move forward by using force. It is a strong word that to many people implies potential violence. Biggs wrote in his press release:

“A little over a year ago, we witnessed a horrific shooting targeted at Congressional Republicans. That day, we promised that we would be better; that we would argue about ideas not people.

“Unfortunately, we are returning to the vitriol of that day. Those determined to undermine the progress and agenda of President Donald Trump, have taken it upon themselves to demonize their opposition. As Members of Congress we have the responsibility to lead by example and this rhetoric is simply unacceptable.

Not all Democrats are happy with her comments either. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi denounced her actions. So what did Waters say when asked about the lack of support from her own party? She danced around on her shifty feet and said they weren’t calling her out. “I expect that she [Pelosi] would do everything that she could to make sure nobody believes that Democrats are out here harassing anybody or causing any violence.” Then, in true Mad Maxine form, she made a fast detour to make it about “the children.”

“But let’s not talk about that,” Waters said. “Let’s focus on the children.”

Right, let’s not focus on the harassment from a congresswoman who is hell bent on destroying our president – and the country – with her single-minded determination to end all things Trump. No matter who or what get in the way. The fact that she is inciting people to form crowds and “push” members of the cabinet out of public establishments should be, according to the Mad Congresswoman, shoved under the rug and forgotten like yesterday’s trash.

In other words, two sins cannot be addressed at the same time. So her sin, which she regards as trifle, should be ignored to address the children. Waters’ Trump obsession has destroyed her credibility and her career – if she really had either – and Biggs’ measure basically calls for a Mad Maxine dump.

In the measure, Waters must apologize to Trump officials “for endangering their lives and sowing seeds of discord,” release a statement that clarifies harassment and violence are not suitable ways to protest, and, best of all, to resign her House seat.

Get rid of Mad Maxine and Make America Great Again!

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