Join Scott Cosenza for a complete rundown of the Brady Campaign’s attempt to use Mexico to cancel the Second...
The Uprising Videocasts
Crump Lies and Dershowitz Disappoints – The Uprising Videocast
Join Scott Cosenza on this special episode of the Uprising as he busts up Ben Crumps latest whoppers and Alan...
Roe v Wade on the Chopping Block – The Uprising Videocast
Join Scott Cosenza as he details the coming battle over abortion rights, Chicago's efforts to stop the...
Bill Cosby Walks – The Uprising Videocast
The Supreme Court delivered two wins for free speech, and Bill Cosby won release. For...
John McAfee Rest in Peace – The Uprising Videocast
Listen to John McAfee's first and only interview on The Uprising, a podcast of, replayed from...
Affirmative Inaction At Supreme Court – The Uprising Videocast
Join Scott Cosenza and Jeff Charles on Affirmative Action, the Supreme Court, and Elizabeth Warren’s attempt to...
Paging Willie Brown – The Uprising Videocast
Kamala Harris' campaign failure in Guatemala, the supreme wait from the Supreme Court, plus the ACLU gets ever...
Fauci Lied, People Died – The Uprising Videocast
Join Scott Cosenza on Kimmie Schmitt’s cancellation, the Fauci email revelations, and snitching, food...
Jackbooted Thugs Redux – The Uprising Videocast
A new ATF director is about to be confirmed. He thinks Americans should be thrown into cages for possessing...