Is it a tempest in a teapot, a mirage, or evidence of real trouble at the Supreme Court? It’s Maskgate this week...
The Uprising Videocasts
Prince Andrew in the Can – The Uprising Videocast
Jeffrey Epstein’s pal Prince Andrew had to give his titles and shiny medals back to his mom before potentially...
What Crime Wave? – The Uprising Videocast
Join's Legal Affairs Editor Scott Cosenza talking big-city policing and big-city crime, with...
Abortion Rights on Trial at Supreme Court – The Uprising Videocast
The most significant abortion case in decades will hit the Supreme Court on December 1st. Will Roe fall? Hear why...
Road to the Rittenhouse Verdict – The Uprising Videocast
Legal Affairs Editor Scott D. Cosenza, Esq. breaks down the verdict and j'accuse the guilty with Senior Political...
Rittenhouse and the Call of Duty – The Uprising Videocast
Scott Cosenza breaks down the prosecution or persecution of Kyle Rittenhouse and identifies a pitfall of all...
Rittenhouse Riot – The Uprising Videocast
LN’s Legal Affairs Editor Scott D. Cosenza starts with a Kyle Rittenhouse trial preview and predictions. Plus,...
No Laurels for Garland – The Uprising Videocast
Scott Cosenza (pronouns “His Majesty”) on canceling Chappelle and Joe Rogan vs. CNN. That, plus political analyst...
Doctor of Deception – The Uprising Videocast
Scott Cosenza is joined by Jonathan Haines from the Virginia Institute for Public Policy to talk about Virginia...