It exceeds the limits of our criminal laws and violates free speech protections.
First Amendment
Free Speech
North Carolina’s college students – no matter their viewpoint – can be confident that their right to free expression will be respected.
WA Anti-Cyberbully Statute Squashes Free Speech
Eugene Volokh and Internet lawyer Venkat Balasubramani filed a lawsuit last week to fight this injustice and infringement on the people’s right to free speech.
Court: First Amendment Protects Profanity-Laced Tirade
Does the First Amendment protect your right to scream and swear at people in public? In at least one instance, the courts say it does.
Third Circuit Agrees Citizens Can Film Cops
In a unanimous decision Friday, the Third U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that filming police officers performing their duties in public is a right under the First Amendment.
SCOTUS Allows Public Funding For Trinity Church Playground
SCOTUS’ ruling brings to mind the question about the state funding religious organizations.
Portland Left Explodes With Political Violence – 12 Arrested
On May 26th, three white males were stabbed on a MAX train in Portland after defending two hijab-wearing teenage...
Weaponized Autism Leads to Arrest of Bike Lock Attacker
Let it be known to all who would do anonymous violence against peaceful people just exercising their God given right to speak. /pol/ is watching. They will identify you, and you will be held accountable for your crimes.
Ann Coulter and Her Not-So-Free Berkeley Speech
First, it was on; then it was off, then it was back on — unofficially — and now it’s back on again (for now), maybe…