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Is Trump’s Call for Putin to Rejoin the G7 Folly or Foresight?

President Trump is renewing his support to get Russia back into the G7.

For the last three years, the Democrats, leftist pundits, and the mainstream media have made fools of themselves. Mirroring the paranoia of the Red Scare of the 1950s and 1960s, the left has been obsessing over President Vladimir Putin – and not for his physique either. Every waking moment, it has been all Russia all the time. Is out of political expediency or is it an authentic delusion? Either way, everyone who has opposed President Donald Trump to date has turned hawk, demanding everything from bombing campaigns to crippling economic sanctions. This is the antithesis of America’s founding principles.

Putin Off Reinstatement

Cue the wall-to-wall neo-McCarthy outrage on the cable news networks.

Speaking to reporters in the Oval Office during his meeting with Romanian President Klaus Iohannis, President Donald Trump renewed calls to reinstate Russia into the Group of Seven (G7). Trump said that it would be “much more appropriate” to have President Putin return to the negotiating table and engage in economic talks.

He blamed former President Barack Obama for allowing Moscow to be ousted from the G7, saying that Putin “outsmarted him.”

In 2014, the then-G8 kicked out Russia over its annexation of Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula.

“I guess President Obama, because Putin outsmarted him, President Obama thought it was not a good idea to have Russia in. That’s not the way it should work,” Trump said.

Trump is echoing similar remarks he made last year, despite calling himself Russia’s “biggest nightmare”:

“Whether you like it or not, and it may not be politically correct, but we have a world to run. And in the G-7, which used be the G-8, they threw Russia out. They should let Russia come back in because we should have Russia at the negotiating table.”

This comes as Trump is scheduled to travel to France for the annual G7 meeting, where he will meet with his British, Canadian, French, German, Italian, and Japanese counterparts.

President Trump’s diplomatic relationship with Putin has been the cause of anger among the Democratic Party and the mainstream media. Some of the 2020 presidential candidates accuse Russia of being America’s greatest threat, and most are demanding stricter sanctions against the resource-rich nation. The press, meanwhile, have been fixating over Russia since their candidate, Hillary Clinton, lost the 2016 election, attempting to define her loss as an anomaly and delegitimizing the 45th president.

Trump is Russian to Diplomacy

Although there is a thirst for conflict with Russia among the globalists, Trump’s approach has been mostly good. Despite being flanked with neoconservatives trying to undermine his more non-interventionist sympathies, the president has been willing to talk and engage with America’s foes, including Putin.

Diplomacy is always preferable to military action and isolationism, strategies that Trump’s opponents appear determined to execute. That said, as Liberty Nation’s Jeff Charles wrote this past spring, Trump’s handling of the foreign policy file seems one of appeasing all sides, from the neocon-leftist alliance to a wing of his base that is tired of conflict – act tough but pursue peace.

If Trump can bring Russia back into the fold and treat it like an ally rather than an enemy, then why would this be a negative development?

Vladimir Putin

In the US, the opposition might be explained by the debunked establishment status-quo opinion, a supposition that only Democrats and the progressive contingent can implement peace. This was proven false in the eight-year throne of the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize winner. In Europe, the power players could be against treating Russia like an equal because the NATO leadership is trying to pummel the former Soviet Union into submission by encroaching on its borders.

Indeed, Putin is hardly a statesman to emulate, from allowing an oligopoly to rule over the energy industry to restricting critics’ speech. But the key question is: Is it America’s business how he runs his country? It is always best to refer to the Founding Fathers on this matter.

In his 1801 inaugural address, President Thomas Jefferson, when dictating the “essential principles of our government,” averred “peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none.” Unfortunately for non-interventionists and the anti-war right, US foreign policy has been the exact opposite since the Second World War (some might say the First World War).

Just Say No to Hawks

North Korea, Russia, and even Venezuela; President Trump has been a great improvement from his predecessors by refusing to bomb and regime change first and talk later. By meeting with Kim Jong-un, talking with Putin, and even proposing to personally sit down with Iranian leaders, he has perturbed every morass of the Swamp – the left, the neocons, and the RINOs. Will peace result from this diplomatic pursuit? The world can only hope.


Read more from Andrew Moran or comment on this article at Liberty Nation.com.

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