If there’s one nice thing that can be said for the Democrats’ candidate for vice president, Kamala Harris, it’s that she knows how to deliver a speech. With her smiles and dramatic pauses, the senator can capture an audience and almost get them to believe her. On Aug. 27, Harris gave a speech that started out positive. But it quickly turned to racial identity politics and attacks on President Trump.
The Californian opened with, “We are a nation that at its best loves, protects, and helps our fellow Americans.” From there, it was a smooth transition into the discussion on the lives of blacks and people of color, a topic which was expertly weaved into every punching point. “We also see pain, hurt, and destruction in the aftermath of yet another black man shot by police,” Harris said. While she didn’t come straight out and defend the riots, she qualified with, “People are rightfully angry and exhausted” from fighting against racially engineered police violence. “And after the murders of Breonna [Taylor], George [Floyd], and Ahmaud [Arbery] and so many others, it’s no wonder people are taking to the streets. And I support them. We must always defend peaceful protests and peaceful protesters.”
Next, we turn to the COVID pandemic, and this is where Sen. Harris told the American people that the president is at fault for everything that went wrong with the novel virus. She began by attacking the RNC after a heart wrenching description of what people have gone through since the virus hit the nation, then said:
“That is the reality of America right now. A reality completely absent from this week’s Republican National Convention. Because unlike the Democratic Convention which was very clear about the challenges we are facing and how we will tackle them, the Republican Convention is designed for one purpose. To soothe Donald Trump’s ego. To make him feel good.”
Harris said the message is supposed to be about the American people. “And on that measure, Donald Trump has failed,” she exclaimed. “You see, at its most basic level, Donald Trump doesn’t understand the presidency. He thinks it’s all about him. Well it’s not. It’s all about you.”
The senator wasn’t finished though, not at all. When it came to the Coronavirus response, she said of Trump:
“He failed to protect the American people. Plain and simple. Trump showed that [sic] we in the legal profession would call a reckless disregard for the wellbeing of the American people. A reckless disregard for the danger a pandemic would pose to American lives. For the devastation it would do to our economy. For the damage it would do to communities of color who have been subjected to structural racism for generations. For the chaos that would upend our daily lives, make it impossible for many of our children to go to school. Make it impossible to live normally.”
Liberty Nation has provided a detailed Coronavirus timeline that discredits much of what Harris claimed. She said Trump’s only concern was his re-election campaign and that he was fixated on the stock market. If the president were fixated on the stock market, as she alleged, then how was he unaware or uncaring of the “devastation it would do to our economy?” Harris pointed out that on Jan. 24, Trump “praised the transparency of the Chinese government” by saying China had been working hard to contain the Coronavirus – as he had been told by his advisers, of course. “Right at the moment that we needed Donald Trump to be tough on the Chinese government, he caved,” she declared.
Yet, a few days later, when the president imposed travel restrictions to and from China, he was called a racist. His concern had been preventing the spread of the virus, but instead the left attacked him on racially charged rhetoric while Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) encouraged Golden State residents to visit Chinatown to show support for their Chinese neighbors.
As for our children returning to school, the president has been a vocal advocate on reopening classrooms as well as businesses. Sen. Harris, however, was not finished with her Trump roasting:
“Donald Trump’s incompetence is nothing new. That has always been on full display. But in January of this year it became deadly. That is when the threat of a virus that would endanger the world first emerged. Trump dismissed the threat. But Joe Biden sounded the alarm.”
The CDC, WHO, and expert Dr. Anthony Fauci all dismissed the virus for the most part in the beginning. The left, including Harris during her speech, accuse the president of not listening to expert advice or following the suggestions of science, yet he was listening to the so-called experts when he didn’t “crack down” hard enough in the first onset of COVID.
But Kamala has the answer to the pandemic and everything the lockdowns have caused: Joe Biden. She said she supports his plans to “Put in a nation-wide mask mandate because in Joe’s words, ‘It’s not a burden to protect each other.’”
Kamala infused the message that people of color need more of, well, everything, throughout her speech. They need more justice, she asserted, and more needs to be done to protect them because they are the hardest hit with the virus.
Still, Sen. Harris was absolutely correct on one statement: “The president he has been, is the president he will be.” For Trump supporters, that may be just what they want to hear.
Read more from Kelli Ballard.