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Gunslingers for Liberty: Weaponized Racism on the Left – 7.19.20

To the left, racism is a political weapon, not an evil to be fought.

Editor’s note: Miss some of this week’s news, public policy, and politics? Stay current, keep up, and get out ahead of the pack with Liberty Nation’s Sunday News Round-up. Yeehaw!

Reinventing That Libelous Wheel

Can you imagine misrepresenting the truth so badly to so many people that you change the legal interpretation of defamation?

As Liberty Nation’s Scott D. Cosenza explained:

“Joy Reid’s lies, spread to her 1.5 million social media followers, may cost her some money and could change what content the media publishes. Reid, an MSNBC host, is in legal trouble for defaming a Trump supporter online. At the center of this affair is a photo used in a false context to demonize Roslyn La Liberte, the aforementioned Trump supporter.”

It was one thing when a clearly biased activist teen with hardly any following misrepresented the situation. But when a nationally recognized TV personality does it, people listen. When sued for defamation, Reid fought and won – but the appeals court disagreed. Now, Reid may have to pay up, and the media at large may have to start being a bit more careful what they say about folks. As Scott concluded, “Reid’s great hand turned into a busted flush, and now the case will return to the lower court. The defendant will have a tough road ahead to avoid liability for her speech.”

What to Watch For

With the way defamation laws are applied to the media at stake, this is a case to watch. Will Reid lose big and pay for her transgressions?

Weaponized Racism on Display

The good folks at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History and Culture tried to get in on the weaponized racism game, but managed only to shoot themselves in the foot. The website briefly featured an infographic explaining the “aspects and assumptions of whiteness and white culture.”

Liberty Nation’s Leesa K. Donner pointed out the problem:

“Oddly, the whiteness graphic read like a primer lifted from a KKK handbook. Among the aspects of this tyrannical white culture are characteristics such as work ethic, having a nuclear family, an emphasis on rational thinking, and planning for the future. One Twitter follower opined on the Smithsonian NMAAHC site: ‘Thank you; now let’s address the underlying beliefs in your institution that led to creating something that implied black people aren’t hardworking, punctual, or polite. Which, call me crazy, is kind of racist.'”

What to Watch For

In the wake of the killing of George Floyd, both legitimate concerns over racism and race baiting have floated to the top of the national conversation. You can be sure the stink will only get worse as folks continue to stir the pot – at least until election day.

Washington Whispers & Other Juicy Tidbits

Be on the lookout for:

  • The push to change “racist” names continues, and the East Baton Rouge Parish School Board has caught the bug. They voted 8-1 to rename Lee High School to Liberty High School to help erase that rascal Robert E. Lee from history. The lone no-vote came from newly elected Tramelle Howard – a black man who didn’t explain the motive behind his vote. Could it be that the media narrative is false, and there are, in fact, black people who appreciate the value of remembering history?

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