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Fauxcahontas and the Pro-Choice Hypocrisy

Your body, your choice: How about selling your kidney?

The pro-choice crusade is a misleading, mendacious, and malevolent undertaking. If there was one movement desperate for a rebranding, it is this one. Whether it is anti-life or The Nihilist Society, a new name can be debated by its detractors, but pro-choice is not one of them. The concept of “my body, my choice” really means letting average people choose what they do with their body, property, or money, whether it involves taking an illicit drug or selling a kidney.

Warren for Freedom

Has Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) adopted the libertarian platform with a feminist slant for her 2020 presidential bid?

The ACLU posted a tweet that featured an 11-second interview between a volunteer and the senator regarding the Hyde Amendment. The first-ever Native American senator and presidential candidate revealed she is committed to lifting a ban on federal insurance coverage for abortions.

Warren replied to the ACLU tweet: “Women should be able to control our own bodies. Full stop.”

This is great news for female Americans who fear that all the 2020 Democratic candidates are big government proponents and state interventionists who want to control them from cradle to grave. In that 11-word tweet, Warren revealed that she endorses:

  • Legalizing all drugs.
  • Decriminalizing sex work.
  • Buying, selling, and consuming raw milk.
  • Retailing human organs in the open market.
  • Abolishing the tax code.
  • Allowing people to fib about their ancestry.
  • Inserting “full stop” after a period that already shows the reader it’s a full stop.

While this maximizes freedom and liberty for women, it doesn’t do anything for the other gender. It’s great that a 2020 Democratic contender is calling for less government in the personal affairs of half of the nation. However, men also should be permitted to drink raw milk, sell a kidney, and not transfer half of their property to the state. What happened to gender equality?

For a Democrat, it’s a step in the right direction. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day.

If Warren can bring herself to allocate the freedom to do heroin and buy 16-ounce sodas to men as well, then she could become an instant frontrunner and eventually the first Cherokee president in the nation’s history. Warren might also serve on the board of the Cato Institute, publish content on the Mises Institute, and join the Libertarian Party if she advocates these positions once she finishes her tenure in the White House.

Elizabeth Warren

Are You Kidding?

Of course, Warren, who is desperate to climb in the polls, does not believe in these principles. Like Warren, leftists really do not advocate that type of choice. When people say they are pro-choice, they mean they are in favor of terminating a life – for the most part – out of convenience.

To those on the left, you are a terrible human if you are in favor of establishing an organ trade, refusing to give the state the fruits of your labor, or selling cocaine at a nearby convenience store. But you are a saint if you think terminating a life is perfectly acceptable because it is “a clump of cells” or “a parasite,” and anyway “it’s a woman’s right to choose.”

As long as you are not violating the non-aggression principle (NAP) or imposing your will on others, then every person should be able to do what she or he wants, no matter how morally repugnant. Abortion violates the NAP, not imbibing unpasteurized milk. It’s time to take the term pro-choice back and call the odious movement what it really is: anti-life.


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