The bizarre story of Sai Varshith Kandula is one for the ages. A U-Haul box truck rammed a security barrier near...
Fourth Estate Rallies for Dems Against Durham
As if by magic, media outlets on the left come to the same conclusion – and all miss the same point....
Why the Left Despises Casey DeSantis
She's strong. She's beautiful. And she's smart. These are but a few of the sins of Casey DeSantis if one consults...
Tucker Makes the Move to Twitter
As former Fox host Tucker Carlson moves to the House of Musk, can the legacy media survive a free speech...
The Tucker Carlson Twitter Alliance Spells Doom for Legacy Media
The announcement made by Tucker Carlson on Twitter must have sent shivers up the spines of every working member...
The Incurable Media Malaise
We speak with author and columnist Cal Thomas on how the Fourth Estate managed to jettison its credibility....
Soros Buys a Major Media Name – Can It Survive What He Brings?
It’s like buying a house at Love Canal just as the neighborhood is being evacuated as a toxic hazard. Notorious...
Melania Trump Is All In for 2024
As first lady of the United States, Melania Trump could seemingly do nothing right. She was viciously criticized...
Media Attempt to Exonerate Anthony Fauci Foiled by His Own Hubris
Those who helped spearhead the colossal overreach of the coronavirus pandemic social curb regime are now...