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Christmas Outrage: Queering the Bible

by | Dec 23, 2017 | Faith & Religion

When are we going to say enough is enough? As we sit on the precipice of one of the two most holy holidays in America, it is once again time to call out the leftists in higher education for the twisted and perverse field of study they plan to teach our children. Behold! a new defamation of the Bible from Swarthmore College called “Queering the Bible.”  This new subject matter is found in their course catalog. Parents paying $68,334 for their child to attend Swarthmore will want to see what their money can buy:

RELG 033. Queering the Bible

This course surveys queer and trans* readings of biblical texts. It introduces students to the complexity of constructions of sex, gender, and identity in one of the most influential literary works produced in ancient times. By reading the Bible with the methods of queer and trans* theoretical approaches, this class destabilizes long held assumptions about what the bible–and religion–says about gender and sexuality.
1 credit.
Eligible for GSST
Fall 2018. Kessler.
Catalog chapter: Religion
Department website: http://www.swarthmore.edu/religion

Once again Christians must take it on the chin. Can you imagine if Swarthmore offered “Queering the Koran” – no you can’t because there would be a leftist outrage so loud you wouldn’t be able to hear yourself think. How about “Queering the Bhagavad Gita?” Nope. Don’t see that one offered at Swarthmore or any other institution of so-called higher learning either. Why then is it just fine and dandy to “Queer” the Bible?

Perhaps because it has become acceptable in America to denigrate Christians and the Scriptures. As such, places like Swarthmore feel they can get away with offering a wholly slanderous class such as this. Even in the course description they malign and defame the Bible as an “influential literary work.” This represents an entire misunderstanding of the Bible.  Christians do not consider the Bible a literary work but the holy word of God.

Next, they discuss destabilizing long held assumptions about what the Bible says about gender and sexuality. Can you even fathom what the lecture for this class will espouse? Nothing edifying certainly. This course at Swarthmore College is a prime example of the culture rot has become part and parcel of our higher education system run by the extreme left. It is not simply insulting to Christians, it is inappropriate for young minds and a betrayal of Christian parents who pay for their child to attend such institutions.

So, as we sit here just a breath away from Christmas, courses like this are nothing more than leftist garbage awaiting your child next semester. If I were paying for my child to go to Swarthmore I would think again and have to wonder: Why is my money being used to propagandize my child?

As for the faculty and administrators at Swarthmore — it is time to get a grip. They’ve clearly lost their center and feel it is appropriate to offer a college course called “Queering the Bible.”

And that, my friends, is the essence of the problem.

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