If comedians ever needed material for their sets, all they would need to do is peruse public policy proposals on...
Business News
Meet Wall Street’s Latest Grift: ESG Investing
If you ain't sustainable, you ain't gettin' capital. This might seem like a country or rap song for Wall Street...
Has Disney Lost Its Magic? – LNTV – WATCH NOW!
Disney has been barraged with criticism over its stance on parental rights and a leaked video showing it has a...
Natural Gas: Biden’s Next Energy Fiasco? – Swamponomics TV
Natural gas prices were on a tear before joining the broader market selloff. The so-called bridge fuel could turn...
Elon Musk Sets Liberal World Ablaze with Twitter Buyout
He did it. It's done. Let the chaos commence! Twitter's Board of Directors officially accepted Elon Musk's...
Twitter Statement on Musk Purchase – READ IN FULL
After several weeks of public back and forth negotiations, Tesla CEO Elon Musk has reached a deal with the board...
BREAKING: Twitter and Musk Reach Deal
After several weeks of public back and forth negotiations, Tesla CEO Elon Musk has reached a deal with the board...
BLM and the Economics of Black America – Swamponomics – Special Edition
The question of whether the Black Lives Matter organization is a grift or not has been raised after reports of...
EXCLUSIVE: Carol Roth Dissects America’s Inflation Problem – Part 2
Editor’s note: This is the last in a two-part series featuring Carol Roth on the challenges faced by small...