The time has come for millions of Americans with student loans. Following a three-year pause due to the...
Business News
The US Economy is Broken – Swamponomics
Uncle Sam had a great fall. All the president’s horses and all the president’s men couldn't put Uncle Sam...
Fed Ignores Major Inflation Source
Eminent economist Milton Friedman famously said about inflation: "It is always and everywhere, a monetary...
US Consumers Are Tapped Out, New Study Finds
Every time the United States economy appears to be turning a corner, something happens to dash all hope. From...
The Hidden Data in Biden’s Job Report
As the White House spins the latest numbers, what facts got buried below the line?...
The Reacceleration of Inflation – Swamponomics
The White House, left-leaning economists, and even a chorus of prominent investors have insisted that the...
Iran Fools Joe Biden with Profitable Hostage-Taking Scheme
The Iranian government has ostensibly launched a new cash-for-prisoners scheme. Here is how it works: Iran takes...
Nuclear Appalachia – Can Converted Coal Plants Be the Region’s Rebirth?
Appalachia is one of the most beautiful regions in the United States. It's also one of the most biodiverse places...
What Is the Jobs Report Hiding?
Editor’s Note: This is an abridged version of an interview that appeared in this week’s Liberty Nation Radio...