As anxieties intensify in the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic, the nation appears ready, once again, to tap the...
Sherman Gillums
Why Standing for the Flag Matters
Respecting the flag and the anthem.
Trump Signed the Mission Act. Now the Real Work Begins
New Mission Act gives veterans a choice when it comes to healthcare.
The Incoming VA Secretary’s Inheritance
Jackson has a hard road ahead of him as VA secretary.
The VA, Mental Healthcare, and the Outliers
Is the VA itself too big to succeed?
Emergency Spending Authorized for VA – Is It Enough?
The status quo is dying a slow but certain death in VA – the newly signed law could be what keeps VA from dying with it.
VA Privatization Fear Won’t Help Anyone
Allowing a fear of privatization to quash innovation, suppress the exploration of untested practices, and impede breaking with convention will be a disservice to those who defended our country and now await meaningful change to a system that just about all involved say is badly needed.
VA Greatest Enemy is Hiding in Plain Sight: Accountability
The answer is to turn that enemy against itself.
Why Veteran Treatment Matters
President George Washington’s proclamation that a nation will be judged by how it treats its defenders—meaning its veterans – seems not only prescient but apropos in our current day and age.