No real battle to secure the border will be forthcoming.
Joe Schaeffer
Political Columnist
FBI Labels Drinking Club Proud Boys as Racist
Proud Boys said to have white nationalist ties despite multi-racial membership.
Progressive Christianity Embraces Atheist Minister
At the United Church of Canada, you don’t have to believe in God to be a minister.
Communist Party USA Thrilled by Democrat Midterm Advances
CPUSA crows it is coming out of the fringe.
Georgia to Enforce Indoctrination – Guess Who Pays
Students pay high prices to be bored and brainwashed.
Mexicans Face Harsh Reality of Migrant Caravan
Tijuana rattled as migrant caravan moves into neighborhood.
War Criminal Dollars? – No Problem for Dem Candidate Espy
Dem Senate candidate caught lying about cash from African despot.
Kamala Harris Lunges Far Left For 2020 With ICE KKK Comments
Effective immigration enforcement is immoral to progressive Dems.
Will Artificial News Anchors Do a Better Job Than the Real Thing?
Globalist media in luck! Cost-effective soulless news presenters on the way.