As both the right and left abandon blue-collar workers, will unions find a home in Trump’s America First vision?
Joe Schaeffer
Hollywood Mediocrity: Moore and Kimmel Hit Rock Bottom
Documentary filmmakers and late night show hosts don’t have their hands on the pulse of the nation anymore.
Jeb’s Comments Show the Bush Dynasty Is Truly Over
Delusion, thy name is Jeb.
Who Can Topple Queen Pelosi?
Young Dems yearn for new House leadership but is anyone ready?
“Racist Americans” Don’t Want Immigrants to Be a Financial Burden
Pro-Immigration Groups to Americans: You’re racist If you don’t want immigrants to be a financial burden
Progressive Insanity: Free Heroin and $300,000 Bathrooms for the Homeless
Exactly what the homeless need, an overpriced toilet and free drugs.
Obsolete NATO poking the Russian Bear
NATO creeps further onto Russia’s front and back porch.
NYT Takes Party Line on Kavanaugh Accusations
Circular thinking, selective quotation, and a lack of logic all come together in the complicit media attack.
From Maria to Kavanaugh – Dems Bet it all on Outrage
Democrats have fallen into their own trap.