The five main Democratic presidential candidates were joined by two longer shots in Manchester, New Hampshire on...
Joe Schaeffer
Political Columnist
Ebullient Trump Rips Leakers and Liars
A triumphant President Trump reveled in his impeachment acquittal victory in a speech from the White House on Feb...
Chaos In Iowa – Incompetence Wins Democratic Caucus
Iowa was poised to speak, but more Democrat drabness crashed the party. In a Dem presidential primary process...
Democrat Center Crumbling Like 2016 GOP – But There’s No Trump
The rise of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and the dust it has kicked up in Democratic ranks spotlights the true...
Elizabeth Warren Panders to the Woke as Bernie Surges
Is this Sen. Elizabeth Warren's (D-MA) jump the shark moment? She's had many close calls already but her latest...
Democrats Barnstorm Iowa as Caucuses Loom – Bloomberg MIA
Former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg's Jan. 28 op-ed calling for Puerto Rican statehood accentuates the...
Which Dem Can Go Toe-to-Toe With Trump at a Debate?
As Iowa prepares to vote, an examination of the current top five Democratic presidential candidates brings a...
Top Dems Bow to Immigration Extremists, but at What Cost?
Voting is about to kick off in Iowa and top-tier presidential candidates in the Democratic Party are being forced...
Hate Crimes Reportedly on the Rise in LA – But Are They?
The first four words of the Los Angeles Times article give the game away. But that didn't stop the big-box major...