There's nothing new under the sun, and all this has happened before. Why is it that politicians of the left want...
The Rabbit Hole
The Rabbit Hole: What Should Scare You More Than the Chinese Virus
With the media and politicos rounding on President Trump over his use of the term "China Virus," are we...
The Rabbit Hole: Gun Control and the Privileged Few
Keeping weapons out of the hands of the masses has been going on for thousands of years, and is almost always...
The Rabbit Hole: Coronavirus Outbreak and Lessons From the Plague
Are politically correct pundits so desperate to maintain the air of woke, that they are missing the fact that...
The Rabbit Hole: Stone Cold Regulation
When laws are so complex, and rulebooks so lengthy that the average person may commit three felonies a day...
The Rabbit Hole: Brexit – The Cusp of History
The flow of history is unstoppable; so too the Brexit movement. As Britain prepares to leave the European Union,...
The Rabbit Hole: Bracing for the Gulags
Why is it that Socialist and Communist regimes always end up with Gulags? Are these horrendous work camps perhaps...
The Rabbit Hole: Political Feng Shui
What can the ancient art of Feng Shui teach us about modern politics? Is it possible that our elected leaders are...
The Rabbit Hole: Retaliation or Revenge?
When does retaliation become revenge? How far do we have to go to see justice served? The just becomes unjust as...