As the Mueller investigation is completed, the lies and the spin of the last two and a half years have escaped...
The Rabbit Hole
The Rabbit Hole: Politics and Prose – Beowulf, Caesar, Napoleon, and Self Belief
Julius Caesar, Beowulf, the Borgias, Bonaparte, what did they all have in common?
The Rabbit Hole: Politics and Prose – Heroes and Villains
Ocasio-Cortez, Odysseus, Maximinus Thrax and other flawed heroes of history.
The Rabbit Hole: Politics and Prose – Rewriting History And The Fall From Grace
What the founding of Rome can teach us about American Exceptionalism.
The Rabbit Hole: Politics and Prose – Weaponized Narrative and the Gilgamesh Epic
What can a 5000-year-old story show us about weaponizing narrative? – All in LN’s new podcast.