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LN Radio 7/5/19: Is America Headed for Revival or Resistance?

LN Radio 7/5/19: Is America Headed for Revival or Resistance?

As a nation more divided by the day, are we headed for a revival of, or resistance to, the nation’s founding principles? We explore that question from multiple angles with Sarah Cowgill, Jeff Charles and Scott Cosenza of Liberty Nation.com, as we ask the question, what does it mean to be a patriot circa 2019? Plus, predictable outrage from the resistors over President Trump’s 4th of July address, and the surrender of Nike to Colin Kaepernick.

LN Radio 6/30/19: Democrats’ House of Horrors

LN Radio 6/30/19: Democrats’ House of Horrors

We pick through the rubble of the Democrats’ first round of self-immolation in two debates this week which unofficially kicked off the campaign season. We analyze this frightening look at what America would look like as a socialist nation, amidst the most radical ideas ever proposed in a race for the White House. LibertyNation.com’s Joe Schaeffer joins in on the analysis, and LN’s Scott Cosenza discusses another spate of big supreme court decisions. 

LN Radio 6/23/19: Can Bumbling Biden Run the Left Wing Gauntlet?

LN Radio 6/23/19: Can Bumbling Biden Run the Left Wing Gauntlet?

Joe Biden steps in it again, making inexplicable remarks about his warm relationship with southern segregationists back in the day, as his problems continue to mount in the run-up to the first presidential debates this coming week. We’ll outline the gory details of a godawful week for the former vice president. Plus, a lot of action around the Supreme Court this week…LibertyNation.com’s Scott Cosenza breaks it all down for us….and we’re joined by Frank Miele, author of the new book, Media Matrix: What if Everything You Know is Fake?