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LN Radio 8/11/19: Race-ing to Civil War?

LN Radio 8/11/19: Race-ing to Civil War?

President Trump condemns white supremacists in a nationally televised speech, but the left goes off on the president, saying he didn’t mean it, and that he’s the one responsible for the massacre in El Paso, mentioning nothing about the deranged leftist who went on a killing spree in Dayton. We’ll talk it all out with Jeff Charles, Race Relations correspondent for LibertyNation.com…plus, we’ll delve into Trump’s so-called trade war with China with LibertyNation.com Economics Correspondent Andrew Moran, and LN Legal Affairs Editor Scott Cosenza discusses the dangers to liberty in red flag laws.

LN Radio 8/4/19: Are Democrats Ready for a Moderate Moment?

LN Radio 8/4/19: Are Democrats Ready for a Moderate Moment?

After 20 Democrats debate for two nights amid sharp disagreement between the progressive majority and moderate minority, we’ll break things down on the winners and losers and state of the presidential race from a number of angles, including the front-and-center issue of race. We’re joined by LibertyNation.com Chief Political Correspondent Graham Noble. Plus, LN constitutional lawyer and Legal Affairs Editor Scott Cosenza jumps on board for Talkin’Liberty.