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LN Radio 4/18/21 – Trump the Rock vs. McConnell the Hard Place

LN Radio 4/18/21 – Trump the Rock vs. McConnell the Hard Place

Donald Trump lays down the battle lines in a speech before big GOP fundraisers, insulting Mitch McConnell after the nation’s top-ranking Republican and senate minority leader had done the same to him weeks before.  We discuss what good can possibly come out of this feud, where the dispirited and divided GOP goes from here, and how the Democratic party might exploit this balkanization as they face their own internal disputes on just how hard and how far to push their leftist agenda. We’re joined in our analysis by LibertyNation.com Political Columnist Joe Schaeffer, And LN Legal Affairs Editor Scott D. Cosenza joins us for talkin’ liberty, featuring the FDA pausing the Johnson and Johnson Vaccine, Maryland repealing the Police Bill of Rights, and a court saving a grocer from an ADA nightmare.

LN Radio 4/11/21 – Is Wokeness Overwhelming America?

LN Radio 4/11/21 – Is Wokeness Overwhelming America?

What does it mean to be woke? We examine wokeness, the currency of the ascendant progressive left, and how its tentacles have reached into the fabric of American culture, from a number of angles. Jeff Charles of LibertyNation.com joins us to discuss the roots of this extreme social consciousness and how and why corporations are doing the bidding of the woke folk. And we examine what full-strength wokeness looks like with the best available top 20 list of woke beliefs. Plus, LN Legal Affairs Editor Scott D. Cosenza jumps on board for talkin’ liberty, featuring Biden coming for guns, microaggressions unmasked, and … an end to gas-powered cars?

LN Radio 4/4/21 – The Floyd Trial: Bracing for Impact

LN Radio 4/4/21 – The Floyd Trial: Bracing for Impact

As the nation braces for the worst in the George Floyd murder trial, we recount the early goings-on at the racially supercharged proceedings in Minneapolis with LibertyNation.com Legal Affairs Editor Scott D. Cosenza, and broaden the discussion to how Democrats and the left are drowning in an ocean of emotion – and virtue. Plus, we examine the pros and cons of an emerging issue: vaccine passports. And, with Donald Trump gone and Joe Biden now commander-in-chief, LN’s Dave Patterson joins us to discuss how the world is reacting, and how Biden is approaching China, North Korea and Iran.