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LN Radio 2/14/21 – A President and Governor in the Crosshairs

LN Radio 2/14/21 – A President and Governor in the Crosshairs

A show trial, vaccination nation, and a Governor on the spit. We cover the waterfront … Democrats spending the week trying to convict Donald Trump, how vaccines are sweeping the land as the heavy burden of the pandemic lightens – at least for now, and the growing movement to kick California Governor Gavin Newsom out of office, as we’re joined by Pennel Bird of LibertyNation.com from his home base in LA. Plus, how it is, even in the face of spectacular good fortune and full control of the federal government, leftists just can’t seem to be happy. And LN Legal Affairs Editor Scott D. Cosenza joins us for talkin’ liberty, discussing impeachment theater, and how your privacy is being breached at the border.

LN Radio 2/7/21 – Why is this President Ruling by Decree?

LN Radio 2/7/21 – Why is this President Ruling by Decree?

As Joe Biden launches into the third week of his presidency, questions persist on why he has sent forth a record-shattering succession of executive orders on everything from immigration to racial justice. We’ll dive into a couple of likely hidden motivations behind these voluminous decrees from the Oval Office, and the president’s explanation for them. We’ll talk about how much is enough in the pandemic relief bill bounced around on Capitol Hill, and how the Biden foreign policy, especially toward China and Russia, is likely to differ – spoiler alert: a lot – from that of Donald Trump, as we’re joined by military and defense expert Dave Patterson of LibertyNation.com. And Legal Affairs Editor Scott D. Cosenza jumps on board for talkin’ liberty – from the Trump impeachment to court-ordered vaccinations for prisoners.

LN Radio 1/31/21 – Biden’s Early Days: Breaking Bad?

LN Radio 1/31/21 – Biden’s Early Days: Breaking Bad?

Joe Biden works through the first ten days of his presidency, issuing a boatload of executive decrees, while his party prepares to put former President Trump on trial, tries to expel two Senators who supported Trump, big media provides the expected fawning coverage of the new president, and big tech and corporate America expand their censorship of conservatives. We’ll examine what Biden has done so far, and how the public is reacting, and analyze just how hard will be Biden’s burden: erasing the legacy of Donald J. Trump. We’ll be joined by LibertyNation.com Managing Editor Mark Angelides, and by Legal Affairs Editor Scott D. Cosenza for talkin’ liberty, featuring a Twitter troll busted for voter “disinformation” and Oregon weighing race-based vaccine preferences.