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LN Radio 5/9/21 – Democrats Whac-a-Mole Ron DeSantis and Tim Scott

LN Radio 5/9/21 – Democrats Whac-a-Mole Ron DeSantis and Tim Scott

Democrats spent four years trying to take down Donald Trump, and succeeded. So how come they’re still so angry that they are libeling – wac a moling – the Republicans who pop up and show promise for 2024? We’ll examine just how low the leftists are going in trying to take down first Ron DeSantis and now Tim Scott. And we’ll take it to the other end with a discussion on how Florida, led by DeSantis, has become the new hotbed for conservatism, as we’re joined by LibertyNation.com Editor-in-Chief Leesa K. Donner. And we discuss how it is actually a mild-mannered Democrat who could wind up being the savior of the republic, even though he never intended to be. Plus, LN Legal Affairs Editor Scott D. Cosenza joins us for talkin’ liberty – Facebook upholds its ban on Trump, Derek Chauvin petitions for a new trial, the U.S bans menthol cigarettes, and a soccer player sues after being benched for refusing to protest.

LN Radio 5/2/21 – Biden Goes Woke, Will the Country Go Broke?

LN Radio 5/2/21 – Biden Goes Woke, Will the Country Go Broke?

As we reach the first 100 days of the Joe Biden presidency, the 46th president punctuates the first benchmark of his new administration with his first quasi-State of the Union Speech, proposing trillions in new spending. We analyze the agenda laid out by Biden, and how, ultimately, he is serving as nothing less than a bagman for the far left. And we discuss the growing troubles of Vice President Kamala Harris and the border crisis, and disturbing revelations about John Kerry and Iran. LibertyNation.com’s Pennel Bird speaks on parental pushback against leftist indoctrination in schools. And LN Legal Affairs Editor Scott D. Cosenza joins us for talkin’ liberty – Chauvin juror speaks out, SCOTUS to rule on student free speech and guns, and … a Florida man fined $30,000 for – wait for it – failing to cut his lawn.

LN Radio 4/25/21 – Following Floyd

LN Radio 4/25/21 – Following Floyd

The nation takes a deep breath following the triple conviction of Derek Chauvin for the murder of George Floyd, but as leftists of every stripe run to the cameras to proclaim that this guilty verdict is but a small step toward the kind of racial justice they’re demanding, we look at where the racial justice warriors might strike next, and how this verdict will affect the rest of America. We will examine how the trial was conducted, and whether the jury was intimidated into their verdicts. We’re joined in the analysis by a crack duo from LibertyNation.com – Socio-Political Correspondent Jeff Charles and Legal Affairs Editor Scott D. Cosenza. Plus, as George W. Bush breaks his long silence and re-emerges on the public stage, does it set the stage for a true civil war in the Republican party – Trumpists vs. Bushies?