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LN Radio 6/13/21 – Democrats Drive Into the Ditch

LN Radio 6/13/21 – Democrats Drive Into the Ditch

It all seemed so promising. They pushed Joe Biden across the finish line, held their majority – albeit a diminished one – in the House, and pulled into a last minute tie – and effective majority – in the Senate. Democrats had won the trifecta, but now, the best laid plans of mice and progressives appear to be headed into a not-so-distant ditch. This president has laid down a record number of executive decrees with the stroke of a pen, but virtually every one of their progressive legislative initiatives has died on the vine. Why has the left and the Democratic party been unable to exploit their control of the White House and both branches of Congress? And what does it mean for Republicans?  We bring in our latest power-packed B&B panel – the best and brightest from LibertyNation.com: Editor-in-Chief Leesa K. Donner, Managing Editor Mark Angelides and Legal Affairs Editor Scott D. Cosenza.