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Homeopathic Genetics and Fauxcahontas: Dilute for Purity

by | Oct 18, 2018 | Articles, Politics

Senator Elizabeth Warren’s (D-MA) DNA debacle has the lady herself and the quick-to-pounce media running for cover. At the very best, she can claim to have an Amerindian great-great-great-great grandparent, and at worst – due to the substitution of South American  samples in place of Amerindin ones – she has 0.00% Native American DNA.

[perfectpullquote align=”right” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=”24″]Warren is genetically closer to Neanderthals than to Amerindians.[/perfectpullquote]

Normal people would have shamefully kept quiet and never spoken about the embarrassing issue again, but not Warren. She thought the test results were so good that she made a campaign ad bragging about it. Apparently, she has invented a new branch of science: Homeopathic genetics. The more diluted your genes are, the stronger your heritage is.

To illustrate how awful her triumphant ad was, consider the fact that the average white has between 2% and 4% Neanderthal genes. Warren is genetically closer to Neanderthals than to Amerindians. Also, the average African American has about 20% European admixture. The average black in America is 200 times whiter than Warren is Native American.

Observe Putin’s high cheekbones

And to add some salt into that gaping wound in her dignity, if you are of Northern or Eastern European descent and test your DNA on 23andMe, chances are good that your profile will show that you have traces (<%0.1) of Native American DNA. Why? Because Amerindians originally came from Asia and are closely related to the Arctic peoples such as the Inuits and the Sami.

In Russia, it is common to find people with high cheekbones due to North-Asian admixture. Look at President Vladimir Putin, for example. Thus, it’s quite possible that Warren’s ancestors picked up those genes while they still lived in Europe.

Cultural Appropriation

The idea of homeopathic genetics is not only ridiculous, but morally wrong, as it constitutes cultural appropriation in the true sense: taking credit for the achievements and heritage of others. The Arab numerals, for instance, have now been renamed the Arab-Indian numerals because we recognize that the Arab Muslims did not invent them, but acquired them during their conquest of India.

Sami Woman

Warren labeled herself as native American on multiple occasions during her professional career, and that was unacceptable.

Peak Identity Politics?

It’s unusual for the Cherokee Nation to weigh in on a political statement, as they have in response to Warren’s claim. But it might also signal the beginning of the end of weaponized identity politics. The public is growing weary of the usage of victimhood status to gain privilege. The Democratic Party has adopted the anti-white politics of the far left to such an extent that a leading white member of the party felt it opportune to brag about trace amounts of minority DNA.

It might not mean the end to identity politics, but Warren’s chances of becoming a future president just got greatly diluted. Maybe she one day can become America’s first homeopathic president?

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