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More Trump than Trump – Italy’s Salvini Goes Above and Beyond

With the election of Donald J. Trump in 2016, the world appeared on the brink of turning towards a more populist approach to politics. Brexit had just been decided by the people of Britain and soon after, France’s National Front came within a hairsbreadth of winning the presidency. But then all became quiet… until now.

Italy’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior, Matteo Salvini, is widely regarded to be the man in Europe most pushing for a true Nation First program. Some would suggest he even “out-Trumps” Trump.

Securing borders, returning illegal migrants, putting citizens before criminals, and protecting the civil rights of Italians are issues for which the European media are lambasting Salvini, yet they are also the issues for which he and his Lega Party are gaining greater support.

Salvini’s self-styled “Government of Change” is introducing policies that would be supported by a majority of Trump supporters. But it is, perhaps, his willingness to stand up to the EU – and the German hegemony that guides it – which has garnered him support across a continent that is beginning to turn its back on the creeping bureaucratic superstate.

No More Illegal Migrants

Europe has been under a heavy strain of migration ever since German Chancellor Angela Merkel opened the floodgates to not just genuine refugees but to everyone “seeking to escape poverty.” Around two million people have entered the continent by either walking across land borders or paying people-smugglers to bring them over on boats from Africa, since the “migrant crisis” began in 2015.

Rather than try to stem the uncontrolled flow of people, the EU and a range of NGOs started sending out ships to pick up migrants who would purposely board dangerous boats, or scuttle their boats, in an attempt to be “rescued.” It emerged that the NGOs were working in cooperation with the people smugglers to pick up migrants just off African shores.

Salvini made the case that this was unacceptable. Italy’s ports have now been closed to anyone seeking to enter via this method. He has certainly earned himself the anger of the globalist community, but he has also saved lives. At least several thousand people have drowned by relying on people smugglers. But if they have nowhere to dock when they arrive, they don’t set out in the first place.

No EU Repatriation

Due to geographical layout, many of the migrants who have spread out across Europe have listed Italy – situated on the Mediterranean – as their first point of contact upon arrival on the continent. Under the EU’s Dublin Agreement, this is the place all those claiming refugee status must call home.

Germany is in the midst of trying to “repatriate” up to 40,000 migrants to Italy, claiming that they are Italy’s responsibility. In response, Salvini has announced that if anyone tries to send them back, they will be in for a big surprise. He tweeted:

“If anyone in Berlin or Brussels is thinking of dumping dozens of immigrants in Italy through unauthorised charter flights they should know there is not and will not be any airport available, #aeroportichiusi (or #AirportsClosed).”

“We will close the airports like we closed the ports.”

Protecting Citizens

Not only has the Italian Deputy PM caused waves with his words and deeds against Merkel’s migrants, he has also created a stir among the criminal classes.

On October 23, his Self Defence Bill will be put before parliament. Measures include relaxing the laws on allowing homeowners to defend their property using firearms and limiting the ability of criminals (or their families) to take legal action against homeowners who defend themselves.

And many more that will likely bring cheers from U.S. fans of the Second Amendment to the Constitution.

Salvini explained his proposals, saying:

“A thief comes into your house, company or store, and you defend yourself? It will be your right to do so, and the thug (and his relatives) will not be able to ask for a euro of compensation … Besides, you won’t end up on trial for years and you won’t pay your own pocket: the state will cover any legal expenses of those who defended themselves.”

Right or Left

Despite being painted by the European media as “far right,” Salvini’s politics may come as a surprise to those who view him through the prism of his more recent actions. Far from being what would traditionally be termed right-wing, the man turning the EU on its head is much more left-leaning than the fake news media would have us believe.

For one, Salvini and his coalition partners, the Five Star Movement, are seeking to introduce a “citizen’s income,” thought to be around 780 Euros per month – essentially a Universal Basic Income. He also identified as a communist in his youth.

But perhaps with Matteo Salvini, and indeed Donald Trump, the time has come to look beyond the tired old labels of the past and look at these people for what they truly are: men of the moment who are seeking an alternative path to the undemocratic hidden agenda of globalism.

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