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Time for America First as Amazon Betrays Blue Collar Workers

A video of sales goliath Amazon teaching managers how to oppose unionization presents a golden opportunity for the surging populist right in America.

The leaked video was obtained by website Gizmodo; although the footage has not been published, screenshots are included in an article detailing the union-busting vision of the company owned by the world’s richest man, Jeff Bezos. The video reportedly warns that employees who start using phrases like “living wage” or show concern for their coworkers could be potential union-organizing threats. It goes on to describe a host of ways managers can express anti-union sentiments to workers without technically threatening them.

In short, Amazon will do everything it can to prevent the unionization of its employees. This is of course in keeping with modern globalist business practice, which will do anything to cut labor costs. Global corporations focus the totality of their existence on the shareholder and think nothing of the worker who makes the company run.

As these multi-national behemoths continue to grow bigger and bigger, they can dominate retail markets and exact a crushing control over hiring in small communities anywhere on the planet… including the United States. Cries of concern for the “consumer” are meant to mask the total lack of regard for the labor that makes, packages, and ships the goods that consumers purchase.

Worker Nationalism

All of this has been devastating to unions over the past few decades. Enter President Trump, and the ideal landing place unions can find under the Make America Great Again banner.

The Wall Street Journal reported in August that labor unions could be big winners in Trump’s scrapping of NAFTA and his newly negotiated deal with Mexico. A boon for unions came in the form of two mandates: That 75% of a car be made up of North American-built components to qualify for importation into the U.S. without high tariffs, and that 40-45% of cars and trucks be made by workers earning at least $16 an hour. These demands will boost U.S. manufacturing as there will be less financial incentive for companies to outsource jobs overseas.

“These are pretty meaty improvements in areas they care about,” Jared Bernstein, who served as chief economist to Democrat Vice President Joe Biden, told the Journal about union reactions to the deal.

There was a similar reason for unions to smile when Trump yanked the U.S. out of the globalist Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) as one of his very first acts upon assuming office in January 2017. Sean McGarvey, president of North America’s Building Trades Unions, said at the time:

“We believe that President Trump really is going to put America first … I’ve been around this town long enough to know things are said in the heat of battle. The details we just heard from the president, we’re very excited about.”

Discarding Dems

Trump has clearly articulated his strong intention to bring manufacturing jobs back to the United States. These are blue-collar jobs. These are union jobs.  Contrast that with unions’ traditional ally, the Democratic Party, which is all-in on an open-borders policy on immigration.

An open-borders policy works hand in glove with a Republican establishment that does the bidding of large corporations who hunger for cheap labor. This perpetuates the globalist corporate vision that sees employees as a cost burden instead of an asset.

Thus “liberal” Democrat immigration policy directly benefits the core interests of the Republican establishment. With the two ostensibly opposed parties, in fact, working in synch for the last 30 years, nobody was looking out for the American worker.

Beyond this, Democrats have veered left off a cliff since the days when they truly served as a valuable partner for unions. How exactly does relentless screeching about identity politics and the non-stop promotion of abortion “rights,” homosexual “rights,” transgender “rights” and other exotic libertine notions benefit blue-collar workers?

Democrats are marginalizing themselves more and more with their hysterical push left. At the same time, Republican “free traders” are in severe decline. House Speaker Paul Ryan is leaving office of his own accord, correctly concluding that he has no popular support at all. The Bush dynasty is dead. Trump is slowly but surely remaking the GOP according to his vision.

American nationalism is back. Responsible unions can find a natural home in an America First movement that values U.S. manufacturing and prioritizes employment over consumerism.

Secure the borders. Buy American. Make America Productive Again.

These are all slogans in perfect harmony with unions’ stated objective to protect the working man.

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