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Germans Take to the Streets over Mass Immigration

Following a brutal knife-stabbing performed by migrants in the East-German town of Chemnitz, spontaneous protests by thousands of people erupted in the streets over several days. The legacy media reported the protesters as “violent” and “far-right,” alluding to alleged racist dog whistling.

However, strangely absent from the published photos of the events are skinheads, Nazi salutes, or far-right symbols and slogans. Instead, the photos and videos show no violence but what looks like ordinary peaceful citizens carrying German flags and white roses to mourn the victims.

After having acclimatized to the fake, one might suspect that “far-right” is the leftese dictionary entry for “regular folks.” That is, the legacy media is so far to the left that even the moderate center seems far-right to them.

To check our suspicions, Liberty Nation talked to independent journalist Brittany Pettibone, who was present during the August 29 march in Chemnitz organized by the government party Alternative for Germany (AfD) and Pegida.

Liberty Nation: are the mainstream media reports about violent far-right protesters targeting immigrants correct?

Brittany Pettibone: While there have been several accusations of violent far-right protesters targeting migrants, I have personally yet to see any evidence of these accusations except in one instance. There’s a viral video wherein protesters are debating with a counter-protester. One of the protesters claims that an Arab migrant spat on the memorial of the German man, Daniel H, who was murdered, and said, “shitty German”. This action, it is claimed, is what provoked the aggression. As for any instances of further aggression, I don’t know of any that can be proven.

Regarding the mainstream media’s claim that everyone who attended the Chemnitz protests was either far-right or a Nazi, I can personally confirm that this is a lie. The majority of people who attended the September 1st protest in Chemnitz were ordinary German citizens. Most weren’t part of any political movements, or even necessarily politically-minded. They were ordinary Germans who recognize migrant crime as a growing issue in their country and wish not only to see the issue solved, but to see the offenders deported.

LN: Did this streak of protests come out of the blue or was there a build-up of tension over time?

BP: According to various Germans I spoke to at the march, there was a build-up of tension over time. Since 2015, there has been a steady stream of migrants arriving in Chemnitz. This, coupled with the fact that the migrants brought a high crime-rate with them, contributed to growing tensions in the city. I suppose the murder of Daniel H was the straw that broke the camel’s back. The first protest, on the night of Daniel H’s murder, was spontaneous. But from there it gained traction, ultimately exploding into the large-scale campaign that we’re seeing now.

LN: Antifa tried to shut down the march by blocking the streets. How did the police respond?

Brittany Pettibone

BP: Antifa did succeed in shutting down the march. From what I witnessed, the police didn’t even try to remove them from the street where they blocked the protest. Instead, the police ended the protest.

On that note, I don’t necessarily blame the police. Orders of this nature generally originate from above, meaning that many of the police could’ve privately supported the protest, but weren’t at liberty to say so, or to make decisions regarding its cancellation.

LN: It looks like the interest among people is not dying down. Are there more protests or marches planned in the future?

BP: The interest is certainly not dying down. What’s more, the interest isn’t contained to the Germans of Chemnitz. I spoke to Germans from Munich, Dresden, and several other German cities while at the march. It seems to be an awakening of sorts.

Regarding future protests, I’m not aware of any at this point. But the interest and resolve remain – to the point that perhaps even a PEGIDA-like movement will form in Chemnitz.

LN: Thanks to Brittany Pettibone for an alternative to the legacy media account.

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