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Test Your News Knowledge Quiz – July 30, 2023

Test Your News Knowledge - 7/30/23
1. In fiscal year 2022, approximately how many illegal aliens crossed the US border?
2. Secession has long since been a topic for many US states. Recently, some states are taking a more serious look at seceding, including the state of:
3. During a House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing recently, Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ) said which right was “under serious assault” across the globe?
4. Inverter-based resources like wind and solar power leave the US even more vulnerable to _______ attacks against the power grid.
5. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, concert ticket prices have risen ___ since last June.
6. During her speech at the 2023 UnidosUS Annual Conference, VP Kamala Harris accused political extremists of:
7. Judge Maryellen Noreika ______ the plea agreement Hunter Biden’s defense team presented.
8. The latest charges against former president Donald Trump accuse him of:
9. The Biden administration is being exposed for forcing Facebook to censor posts that cast a negative light on ________.
10. Ron DeSantis and Donald Trump shared the stage for the ___________ in Iowa.

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