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Jill Biden on Tour: Campaigning for Her Husband Began in Earnest

The first lady doesn’t understand how Republicans can still vote for Trump after his indictment.

by | Jun 15, 2023 | Articles, Opinion, Politics

First Lady Jill Biden went on a three-day fundraising trip, starting in New York City and ending on the West Coast on Wednesday, June 14. She was quick to predict doom and gloom should Republicans win the White House and was the first in her husband’s administration to mention former President Donald Trump’s legal issues, although she didn’t say a word about her own family drama.

Jill Biden Doesn’t Understand Trump Supporters

While the White House has been mum on Trump’s indictment, afraid any attempt to address or comment on it could work in the former president’s favor, Jill Biden wasn’t as closemouthed on the subject. Granted, the events she attended were closed door occasions without news crews recording her every word, which typically allows candidates, or in this case, first ladies, a bit more freedom to speak their minds. “My heart feels so broken by a lot of the headlines that we see on the news,” Mrs. Biden said during a fundraiser in New York. “Like I just saw, when I was on my plane, it said 61 percent of Republicans are going to vote, they would vote for Trump … They don’t care about the indictment. So that’s a little shocking, I think.”

Some might argue what’s shocking is that her husband hasn’t been indicted for the same thing, but that’s another can of worms. In Los Angeles, the 72-year-old first lady spoke at the home of attorneys Lisa and Andrew Gilford, where she spoke to about 80 people to raise money for the Biden Victory Fund, a joint committee that includes Biden’s campaign the Democratic National Committee, and several Democratic Party state affiliates. After crowing over her husband’s achievements, she predicted a dire future should the GOP gain control of the White House:

“We know what’s in store if these MAGA Republicans win because we’ve all lived through this.

“That’s the choice right now — chaos and corruption, hatred and division — on the one hand. You can choose that, or you can choose strong, steady leadership. We cannot go back to those dark days and we won’t with your help.”

“Take yourself back in your mind,” she said. “You remember how U.S. policy was dictated in those late-night tweets. Or how about the constant assault on our most sacred institutions, our democracy and our freedoms, and it’s only going to get worse.”

New banner Perpective 1On Tuesday, Professor Jill Biden spoke at an event for the Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence in the San Francisco Bay Area. Gabby Giffords (D-AZ), who was nearly assassinated in 2011, leads the center and stood next to the first lady. Mrs. Biden spoke of her experience as an instructor regarding gun violence, saying, “As a teacher, I have imagined that scene in my classroom more times than I can count. At the start of each semester, I explain to my students what they should do if the worst happens.” She complimented her husband’s attempts to thwart the Second Amendment, and how he could do much more – if only the Republicans would get out of the way. “He’s done everything in his power, and these changes will save lives. But it’s not enough,” The first lady lamented. “We know that. Joe knows that. We need Republicans in Congress to get out of the way.”

The First Lady’s Strategy – Will It Work?

While her husband and the White House remains tight-lipped about Trump’s indictment, was it a good strategy for Jill Biden to mention it? Michael LaRosa, a former spokesperson for the first lady, seems to think so. “They have to raise money, juice up supporters, and motivate the donor base to continue giving and bundling,” he told CNN. “Their support is so needed, because whether we like it or not, this guy (Trump) could be back.”

Besides, LaRosa said the language she used is poll-tested and the same verbiage the administration has been using:

“It’s clear she’s using the same poll-tested language they approved for the president to use during the midterms. The MAGA language is intended to paint the GOP with a broad brush. Her language is intentional – no matter who the nominee is, the Republicans own Donald Trump and the movement,” he said, adding that that language has “clearly been blessed and encouraged key Biden strategists.”

Jill Biden bragged that the president has done a good job and that nothing can get him down, including a recent root canal. “He says he’s not done,” she said. “He’s not finished what he’s started. And that’s what’s important.”

For Biden supporters, those are encouraging words. For others, however, it’s enough to send shivers down the spine.

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