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How to Predict the Radical Left

A simple formula allows you to predict the left’s positions 90% of the time.

The radical left has reacted to Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter in an entirely predictable manner. It forms part of a larger pattern that will allow you to forecast the left’s opinions consistently.

Free Speech

A few years ago, when conservatives were increasingly being censored on social media, progressives started making a libertarian argument for this practice: It’s their private property, and they get to decide the rules on their platform. If you don’t like it, make your own alternative.

That’s probably the first time in your life you heard leftists appeal to private property rights for their position. It happened to coincide with most billionaires becoming far-left progressives pushing radical agendas. Would you be surprised to learn that the moment a billionaire to the right of Vladimir Lenin purchased Twitter, the tune on the left changed abruptly?

On July 7, 2021, Dr. Robert Reich tweeted that “Trump is suing Facebook, Twitter, and Google for violating his 1st Amendment rights by keeping him off their platforms. Someone should remind him that they’re private companies to which the 1st Amendment doesn’t apply.”

Less than a year later, when Musk bought Twitter, Reich tweeted: “Musk and his apologists say if consumers don’t like what he does with Twitter, they can go elsewhere. But where else would consumers go to post short messages that can reach millions of people other than Twitter?”

The Leftist Principle

This behavior is no accident. The following principle thoroughly explains it: The left relentlessly opposes anything that strengthens Western values and vigorously supports anything that weakens them.

Vietnam: Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) rangers defending Saigon during the Tet Offensive of January-February 1968

(Photo by: Pictures From History/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)

Consider the Vietnam war. In the 1960s, the left was anti-war because America fought a communist opponent. When U.S. troops pulled out, hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese boat refugees fled persecution and democide performed by the communists, and the left was silent. Today, when Russia no longer is communist but rather an authoritarian nationalist kleptocracy, the left favors supporting Ukraine with both money and weapons.

When President Donald Trump promised to secure the southern border and stop illegal immigration, the left was outraged and called him a fascist and a racist. When President Joe Biden entered office, his administration aggressively continued the open border policy across the Mexican border but publicly declared that any refugee fleeing by sea from communist Cuba would be stopped and returned.

Why? Cuban refugees are opposed to communism and are likely to support capitalism, free trade, and free speech. At the same time, poor people from other parts of South America are often far more favorable toward socialism and are likely Democrat voters.

When concerned parents want to stop radical gender ideology from being taught in schools, the left rages that teachers have free speech. The very same people call Elon Musk a fascist and a white supremacist for supporting free speech on Twitter. Why? Radical gender theory trains young children to become communists, while free speech on Twitter removes censorship of supporters of Western values.


If you guess that the left will be on the side of opposing Western values or on the side of destroying Western civilization, you will be able to predict its positions correctly 90% of the time. Equipped with this formula, you will never be bewildered by leftist behavior, and it might even help you straighten out your priorities.

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