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From Street Gangs to BLM and the Dems, Cops Are in the Crosshairs

Months of anti-police rhetoric from BLM and woke politicians has made working in law enforcement deadlier than ever.

After months filled with Democrat politicians and dominant media organizations demonizing police officers, it should come as no surprise that criminals feel it is now open season on local law enforcement members. WLS, the ABC affiliate in Chicago, reports the FBI has warned Windy City police that more than 30 street gangs “have formed a pact to ‘shoot on-sight any cop that has a weapon drawn on any subject in public.’”

The television station revealed it had obtained an FBI “situational information report” dated Aug. 26 that warns:

“[M]embers of these gang factions have been actively searching for, and filming, police officers in performance of their official duties. The purpose of which is to catch on film an officer drawing his/her weapon on any subject and the subsequent ‘shoot on-sight’ of said officer, in order to garner national media attention.”

At a time when every wanted criminal who resists arrest and suffers entirely predictable repercussions could be lionized in the media, street thugs see the golden window of opportunity.

51 Officers Shot at in One City

Chicago Police Department Superintendent David Brown on Aug. 31 noted that police have come under live fire in record numbers in the Year of George Floyd.

“I think 51 officers being shot at or shot in one year, I think that quadruples any previous year in Chicago’s history,” Brown said. “So I think it’s more than a suggestion that people are seeking to do harm to cops.”

What these gangs and the folks from BLM howling about defunding the police don’t understand is that in a climate of complete disdain for the rule of law, it is not only police who will suffer.

“Whether they’re associated with a gang or not we’ve seen increasing violence throughout,” Brown stated. “Shooting babies and kids with impunity with no regard for innocent bystanders. So I wouldn’t say that it’s associated with a specific, whether it’s a gang or culture, I think overall there’s this sense of lawlessness.”

Democratic White House contender Joe Biden finally condemned looting and rioting in a speech in Pittsburgh on Aug. 31, but only in a bland and generic manner before turning his primary focus to blaming President Trump for the violence that has erupted in city streets since the death of Floyd in police custody in late May.

Democrats and their big-box media allies adamantly refuse to call out radical Antifa leftists and Black Lives Matter Marxists for whipping up these protests that have degenerated into violence. Large corporations and sporting leagues reward BLM with enormous financial donations and choice publicity to prove their woke credentials. It is not hard to see where this is heading. Cops are going to get killed in alarming numbers.

Attempted Mass Murder in Seattle

It is not only Chicago street gangs that have become emboldened. In Seattle on Aug. 24, “social justice” rioters were caught on camera trying to trap police officers in a precinct building that they planned to burn down.

“New [Seattle Police Department] surveillance video from the East Precinct shows rioters setting fires around the precinct, after trying to cement the door shut, while officers are inside,” KOMO Radio in Seattle reports.

“That’s not a protest, that’s not a demonstration that’s a directed attack against the police,” Sgt. Randy Huserik of the Seattle PD said. The incident “was clearly a coordinated attack against three Seattle Police facilities,” he added.

This is attempted mass murder, nothing less.

But in addition to the shocking direct lethal threat faced by the officers involved, guess who else had their lives put in danger by these rioters’ actions? Every law-abiding citizen in the city of Seattle.

“The entirety of the uniform patrol of the Seattle Police Department was committed to what was going on at the East Precinct,” Sgt. Huserik explained. “If you had called 911, no one would have responded.”

Harris Salutes BLM Force

Progressive establishment gatekeepers are up in arms over social media posts ripping Biden running mate Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) for saying Black Lives Matter riots are “not gonna stop, and everyone beware” on an appearance on CBS late-night host Stephen Colbert’s show on June 17. USA Today did a “fact check” – that favored pony trick of major media outlets – and ruled that Harris was only referring to peaceful protests in her remarks, with no mention of “rioting” ever brought up.

Well, yes and no. While it is true that Harris did not endorse violence, she did praise Black Lives Matter for its “intensity” in providing “force” and “counter-force” in its push against the “status quo” in America. This is the very same language rioters use to justify their assaults on law and order.

Colbert asks Harris how important it is that BLM protesters keep up the “pressure” they had been providing. Harris begins her reply by declaring that she had become a prosecutor to fight the racism she sees as endemic to America’s policing. “There’s not a black man I know, be he a relative or a friend, who’s not been the subject of some form of racial profiling or excessive force,” she said.

Harris then lavishes praise on BLM.

“I am very clear that some of the success that we have been able to achieve around criminal justice reform would not have happened in recent years were it not for Black Lives Matter,” she said. “And the intensity and the brilliance of that movement, that force, at least, that there would be some counter-force to the status quo which is so reluctant for change if not hostile to change.”

This was Harris in June, when BLM was the toast of fashionable woke circles. Today that “pressure,” “intensity” and “force” that Colbert and Harris were so agog about has been shown to be a front for looting, rioting, and senseless acts of violence.

It’s a simple question. How many cops, how many black Chicagoans, and how many citizens across the nation will have to die before Joe Biden and Kamala Harris explicitly denounce Black Lives Matter radicalism by name and stop supporting anti-cop rhetoric?


Read more from Joe Schaeffer.

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