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VP Susan Rice: The Pick That Pegs Biden as a Swamp Globalist

The ex-Obama official is perfect casting as foil to Trump's America First messaging.

Susan Rice, the former Obama administration national security advisor, is reportedly a finalist to be presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s running mate. The decision either hasn’t been made or hasn’t been revealed, but if Biden picks Rice, he may as well have “Swamp Globalist” painted on his forehead. She’s the perfect casting as foil to Trump’s America First Message, and all you need to know about her can be found in the following excerpt from an op-ed she penned for The New York Times back in 2017:

“In Mr. Trump’s estimation, we live in a world where America wins only at others’ expense. There is no common good, no international community, no universal values, only American values. America is no longer ‘a global force for good,’ as in President Obama’s last strategy, or a ‘shining city on a hill,’ as in President Reagan’s vision.”

In a post-2016 political era marked by surges in populist sentiment in the U.S. and abroad, Rice decisively dismisses any emphasis on “American values” that would dare to place the interests of this nation’s citizenry above those of an international order.

A Biden-Rice ticket would be a lightning rod for criticism on several prominent fronts. Rice brings several notorious red flags to the table, such as the resurrection of the ghost of Hillary Clinton’s deadly failures that got U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens killed at Benghazi in 2012. But above all, Rice would further accentuate the careerist insider phoniness of “Progressive Joe Biden” and showcase that the Democrat ruling establishment has become the new neoconservative faction in American politics.

Ms. Interventionism

Rice is firmly ensconced in a globalist network that has foisted war upon war upon a weary nation since the 1990s and would gladly still be doing so today, if only the party hadn’t been spoiled with Clinton’s electoral defeat in 2016. That same year, Rice delivered the opening remarks at the internationalist think tank The Aspen Institute’s Aspen Ideas Festival. The event was co-hosted by the The Atlantic, which reported of Rice’s speech:

“On the Orlando nightclub shooting, she declared that acts of lone wolf terrorism will continue to be with us, whether ‘motivated by extremists from the outside or views that may be of an individual nature,’ adding that ‘what we must do is take the fight to the extent that we can to the terrorists abroad.’ She named Iraq, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, and Yemen in particular.”

In an October 2019 interview with The Boston Globe, Rice revealed the stridency of her saber-rattling nature on foreign policy, an attitude wholly out of step with much of the nation, including several Democratic presidential candidates who at the time were smack in the middle of a months-long overdrawn primary season that featured constant denunciations of the old politics of endless war:

“I would say the most important thing for a new president to do is reestablish confidence in the competence and integrity of the president of the United States … That means standing up with and for our allies and partners and not viewing every relationship as a transaction. That means being very clear about who our friends are and who our foes are, and recognizing that unfortunately, in the present, the [Russian President Vladimir] Putins and the [North Korean leader] Kim Jong Uns of the world are not our friends. And they are our adversaries and they need to be treated as such.”

‘Committed to’ Globalism

Rice, a former Rhodes Scholar who sits on the Board of Directors for Netflix, is so cozy with elite globalist circles that she can openly call on their corporate and philanthropic branches to keep the forces of internationalism in the U.S. humming even with a proclaimed “nationalist” occupying the White House. In another op-ed for The New York Times, authored in June 2017, she wrote:

“American corporations and civil society groups can assist by demonstrating that the United States remains committed to its integration into the global economy and to our democratic principles. In the absence of White House leadership, the American people should act as informal ambassadors, via contacts through tourism, study-abroad programs and cultural exchanges.

We can all contribute to showing other nations that we hold dear America’s place at the forefront of moral and political leadership in the world. And we must remain steadfast until, once again, we have a president willing to lead in accordance with American interests, traditions and values.”

Susan Rice does happen to be both black and female, and Team Biden undoubtedly would love for these two biological traits alone to be enough to appease the rabid progressives who make up much of the Democratic Party base today. But will blue leftists sign on to the notion of a card-carrying member of “The System” as a champion in the fight against “systemic racism,” “economic inequality,” and all the other buzz terms for radical change that they demand? It is highly unlikely.

Joe Biden is already very unconvincingly attempting to present himself as a man who will “transform” the nation if elected, echoing his former boss, Barack Obama. This despite 40+ years spent as a devoted creature of Swamp Uniparty politics as usual in Washington, D.C.

By adding a Company Woman to the ticket, he will re-emphasize to all Americans exactly how hollow, self-serving, and insider-networked his Potemkin Village facade of “change” truly is.


Read more from Joe Schaeffer.

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