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Get Ready for War: FL Sheriff Warns Citizens to Arm Themselves

Most law enforcement officers suggest running, hiding, and calling 911 when violent criminals strike – not Sheriff Wayne Ivey.

What is our nation coming to? Impeaching the president when no actual crime has been committed. Taking away our Second Amendment rights. It’s so surreal. We have state governments fighting against federal agencies trying to protect us from the surge of illegal immigrants and human and drug trafficking. Politicians want to force us to give up our guns while mass shootings are becoming more frequent, and violent organizations like Antifa are gaining more power. But in the face of the growing problem of violent crime, one Florida sheriff has a different message.

Sheriff Wayne Ivey of Brevard County, Florida – not the most politically correct sheriff, by his own admission – has a warning for his citizens. “This is war, and you’d better be prepared to wage war to protect you, your family, and those around you,” he explains in his video. When violent criminals strike, the police usually recommend calling 911 in an emergency rather than fighting. But not Ivey. He suggests people be prepared; anyone with a concealed carry permit, he says, should be armed at all times.

First Line of Defense?

“Folks, now more than ever is the time for our citizens to be prepared to serve as the first line of defense,” the sheriff warned.

Ivey’s message is strong – and a bit scary – but is he right? Some might consider his call to arms speech a tactic to alarm people unnecessarily, but when one takes into account all that is happening in the country today, he might just be right on target. We had two shootings on military bases a couple of days apart: Pearl Harbor, HI, and Pensacola, FL. If safety cannot be reasonably guaranteed at a military facility, why would anyone feel protected at a mall, a concert, or in their own home?

The 2A Resistance

While the Florida sheriff is talking specifically about self-defense against criminals, he’s not the only one breaking ranks and stepping outside of the “turn in your guns and let the government protect you” narrative. Local law enforcement agencies across the nation have vowed to uphold the Second Amendment, despite what state or federal officials may try to enforce. Virginia is a prime example of this resistance with 90% of the state’s counties turning into Second Amendment sanctuaries. And if that weren’t enough, Tazewell County has gone even further by approving a resolution to create a militia for the protection of county citizens and law enforcement from unfair firearm restrictions. This new policy came just days after Governor Ralph Northam, a Democrat, threatened “consequences” for refusing to enforce state gun control laws, which, according to one lawmaker from the Democratic Party, might include deploying the National Guard.

The aggressive pushing by the liberal left and demanding Democrats to remove these rights is only sending us that much further into existential conflict. Many see the taking of guns as a line in the sand they will not let authorities cross. How are the people expected to defend themselves if their own states disarm them? As the old saying goes, when seconds count, the police are just minutes away.


Read more from Kelli Ballard.

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