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The Five Worst Political Horrors of 2019

The scariest mists from the Swamp this year.

From Samhain to All Hallows’ Eve to present-day Halloween, October 31 has gone from a day of honoring the dead to a celebration based on attempts to scare the bejesus out of everyone. What better way to commemorate a modern tradition of fright and mayhem than to highlight this year’s most horrific political antics? Unfortunately, if we were to list them all, we’d end up filling a library of misdeeds and horror, so instead, we bring you the top five scariest political maneuvers of 2019 – so far.

Number 5: Impeachment

True, this isn’t exactly terrifying except that it is just one more example of how desperate the left is to evict President Trump from the White House. Now that Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has announced a vote to make the investigation official, Democrats feel they have won a skirmish and are preparing for the war. Riding around like headless horsemen, they are too busy trying to oust the commander-in-chief to look in their own backyards for buried skeletons that are sure to rise among the living as Republicans gain the power to demand documents that could send some Dems’ careers to their political graves.

Number 4: Open Door Immigration

Without so much as an uttered “open sesame,” Democrats such as Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) would have the United States fling aside its doors and welcome illegal immigrants with wide, open arms. Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA) wants to give aliens the same rights as American citizens, including the ability to sit on state-appointed seats. While veterans and legal citizens suffer from the medical cost, homelessness, and poverty, the left would provide everything to immigrants for free.

Media darling Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her Squad compare migrant detention facilities to concentration camps and falsely claim the detainees are forced to drink from toilets. Like Wes Craven’s A Nightmare on Elm Street, this is a bad dream from which the American people just can’t seem to wake.

Number 3: Antifa

The so-called anti-fascist club is anything but. This group of masked demons attacks anyone who might even be suspected of thinking differently from themselves. Young, old, male or female; it doesn’t matter to this collection of hate-spilling, fear-provoking, and violence-spreading marauders. The black-clad bandits don’t give a hoot about the First Amendment, doing whatever they can to silence critics while claiming to be victims of intolerance from their opposition.

Number 2: Severing the Constitution

Talk about frightening, the left is trying to take away all of our most important constitutional rights: Free speech enshrined in the First Amendment, along with the Second Amendment’s guaranteed right to bear arms. Might as well gag us, tie our hands behind our backs, clap a ball and chain around our ankles, and toss us into the deepest waters. Let’s stop people from expressing their genuine views and heartfelt beliefs, and make sure we can’t arm and defend ourselves, not just against criminals, but against a tyrannical government (should it choose to go that way). Yeah, because that worked out so well for the citizens of Venezuela who resorted to throwing rocks after the government confiscated their weapons.

Number 1: Killing Babies

Right out of a horror movie, the left has somehow decided that an unborn baby’s life is inconsequential. The sick practice of full-term abortions is becoming an accepted part of the feminists’ right to do with their bodies what they wish, never mind a child’s right to be born and exist. However, by pushing this horrific envelope, the left has generated the wrath of conservatives who have been fighting back with tougher and stricter anti-abortion laws. Twenty years ago, who would have thought there’d be such a battle; that lawmakers would actually agree to murder babies right up until the minute they’re born?

Bonus: Race-Baiting

While we only promised the top five scariest political antics, the subject of race-baiting just can’t be ignored. The term racist has been overused so much, the true meaning has been lost. When the media poses the question of whether a peanut butter and jelly sandwich is racist, you know the world has lost its grip on reality and crossed over into The Twilight Zone. It’s no longer just about snowflakes being offended; now everyone is a racist if they have a differing opinion on whatever issue is at hand. In fact, in desperate attempts to propagate the societal divide, the Jussie Smolletts of the world claim to be victims of hate crimes, only to have it come out later that the accusations were false.

Extra Bonus: Gender Discrimination

Okay, okay, one more addition to our list. There used to be a time when there were two distinct genders: male and female. Now, there are more than 70 (although how that is biologically possible is anyone’s guess). Children are being punished if they use the wrong pronoun to address a fellow student at school. Parents are going to court to change the gender of their young children. Biological males are participating in women’s sports – and dominating. Elizabeth Warren wants to provide free gender reassignment surgeries to prisoners while they’re incarcerated. Sex education in elementary schools now includes gay and transgender relationships.

Like a spider weaving its web, the left is slowly creating a world where we will all be genderless drones, doing and thinking what we’re told without a way to defend ourselves or our way of life. How’s that for a horror story?


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