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Gunslingers for Liberty: Failing to Derail the Trump Train- 10.13.19

The attempts to disrupt Trump 2020 just keep falling short.

Editor’s note: Miss some of this week’s news, public policy and politics? Stay current, keep up and get out ahead of the pack with Liberty Nation’s Sunday News Round-up. Yeehaw!

Impeachment on the Rocks

The salivating Masters of Mayhem in the Democratic Party seemed so sure that this latest attempt to garner interest in impeachment proceedings would be the one to finally take Trump down that they forget they were not aiming at a stationary target. Far from burying his head in the sand and hoping for the best, the president came out swinging and throwing as much dirt as he could get his hands on. Some of it had to stick.

When the president declared that the whistleblower was connected to Democrats, he was absolutely right. It turns out that the second (or third) hand information dealer worked closely with Joe Biden in the White House and likely accompanied him to Ukraine on at least one occasion, possibly more.

But it gets worse.

You may have noticed that despite all the talk of impeachment proceedings and subpoenas filling our airwaves, Nancy Pelosi has yet to call a vote and has been trying to conflate strongly-worded invitations with actual subpoenas. Why the hesitancy? Could it be that the DNC has something to hide?

As Liberty Nation’s Graham J. Noble writes:

It seems curious, to say the least, that neither the FBI nor former special counsel Robert Mueller discovered the successful 2016 efforts by the Democratic National Committee to reach out to the Ukrainian government to provide dirt on Trump and his campaign associatesConsidering that both of those investigations were focused on uncovering a possible conspiracy with a foreign power to influence the presidential election, why was the Ukraine-DNC connection not looked into? It can only be gross incompetence or a deliberate decision to overlook that vital piece of the puzzle.

What to Watch For

How much longer can a Democrat House keep waving the impeachment carrot? At some point, they will either have to drop the whole thing or put ti to a vote. There is, however, a third option; keep impeachment talk in the media until as close as possible to 2020 in order to besmirch the president in the hopes of gaining a few extra votes.

Making Free Speech Expensive

We’ve all seen college campuses across the US and Britain charge unrealistic fees for so-called Security Measures when speakers who are not of the left get invited along. It is an attempt to first discourage and ultimately silence voices that an increasingly left-leaning faculty disagree with. But this time, the bullies in charge picked on the wrong person.

Minneapolis mayor Jacob Frey, in the run-up to President Trump’s fourth Minnesota rally, tried to charge the Commander-in-Chief a ridiculous sum or risk not having the venue available. In fact, the sum is estimated to be 26 times what Barack Obama paid for the same kind of event back in 2009. Apparently, Obama was charged around $20,000 for the privilege, and the bill to the Trump campaign was a staggering $530,000 for security and other event expenses.

As Liberty Nation’sKelli Ballard wrote:

… all that blustering did naught but further demonstrate the need for liberals to silence anyone with whom they disagree. The venue backed down and the rally is full-steam ahead. The president is not the only person to face such attempts because of political standings. College campuses, in particular, have joined the fray, trying to charge conservative speakers more for speeches than their liberal counterparts. For example, in 2018, the University of Wisconsin lost a battle over First Amendment free speech rights and had to pay the College Republicans club $122,500 in legal fees after it tried to charge them $17,000 in security fees for their rally.

For the president, sending in the lawyers armed with gnashing teeth and briefcases is a fairly common occurrence, but what of those who don’t have such resources? Will bitter leftists continue to make a mockery of the First Amendment to suit their own political leanings? It’s time that free speech was finally, finally, free.

What to Watch For

As students see heavy-handed and deceitful tactics to exclude speakers from attending events that they themselves have requested, they will begin to move further away from the ideology that believes censorship is the first step in education. There are several prominent groups working to mount legal defenses for those who are denied the most basic of rights. This is a battle the colleges just can’t win.

Washington Whispers & Other Juicy Tidbits

Be on the lookout for:

  • The NBA is about to go through a ratings shock so brutal that even the pearl-clutching SJWs of the NFL will be gasping in shock. It’s one thing for Americans to insult or chide their own country, but quite another to so at the behest of a foreign nation.
  • With Elizabeth Warren and Joe Biden commanding over 50% of the primary voter support, it would be easy to write off the other candidates as yesterday’s men and women. But with the Ukraine scandal brewing for Uncle Joe and Warren’s lies about being fired for her pregnancy beginning to falter, the race is very much open to all.

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