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Beto Betting Americans Will Freely Give Up Their Guns

The left sinks into delusion as it peddles gun confiscation and buybacks.

Beto O’Rourke thinks American citizens, like lambs to the slaughter, will willingly and freely give up their guns. Without protest or argument, We the People will blithely hand over our protection and our Second Amendment rights because it is the right thing to do. Apparently, the Democratic presidential candidate from Texas hasn’t been paying attention to the masses, who definitely do not see gun confiscation or even legal buybacks as a good thing. The idea of strict gun control and even confiscation isn’t new to the left, but that O’Rourke thinks we’d happily abandon our constitutional rights without batting an eye just proves how leftists keep sinking into delusion.

O’Rourke, like many other liberals, pushes the gun-control agenda, citing the recent mass shootings as proof positive that guns are the problem.

However, the presidential hopeful “clearly” says that the government will confiscate our guns. Later, at a New Hampshire Democratic Party convention, he turns around and claims We the People will comply, saying he doesn’t envision authorities going door-to-door to make folks surrender their weapons.

“No. I don’t see the law enforcement going door to door. I see Americans complying with the law. I see us working with gun owners, non-gun owners, local, county, state, federal law enforcement to come up with the best possible solution.”

O’Rourke added, “I have yet to meet an owner of an AR-15 who thinks it’s OK that we have these kind of mass killings in this country.” But that wasn’t the right question. Of course, most law-abiding gun owners agree that we shouldn’t have killing sprees, but that doesn’t mean they want to give up their guns. You don’t have to be a gun owner to disagree with senseless shooting deaths of so many innocents. The Second Amendment is about our right to arm and protect ourselves against those who would seek to harm us. The Founding Fathers stressed the necessity of We the People being able to protect ourselves.

However, like Beto, the left likes to twist words and mislead the public. His “yet to meet an owner of an AR-15 who would approve of mass shootings” remark is just one in a whole slew of examples of rhetoric that hoodwinks the true agenda on guns.

Next, the politician was asked how he planned to enforce the confiscation and buyback of guns. Never missing a chance to misrepresent, he said:

“You’ll have the input of members of Congress who are going to reflect their constituents’ interests, and at the end of the day, I agree to get a solution that protects your Second Amendment rights while protecting the lives of everyone in this country.”

The Second Amendment: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” Okay, so how will he protect our Second Amendment rights? The right of the people to keep and bear Arms. It is amazing how O’Rourke – and others on the left with the same delusional thought process – can boldly claim to protect our rights when confiscation and mandated buybacks directly violate the Second Amendment.

The gun-control debate is on strong simmer, and it will likely be some time before we see any relief from liberals who want to give the government – and themselves – all the power over the people. But one thing is for sure: Most gun owners are not going to hand over their firearms without a fight. We the People do not want to make the same mistake as the Venezuelans, left with only rocks to defend ourselves.


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