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The Church of Leftism

by | Mar 24, 2018 | Faith & Religion

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The Left enjoys attacking Conservatives, Republicans, and specifically Christians as bigots, hypocrites, liars, Islamophobes, transphobes, and homophobes. Leftist have become well-versed wordsmiths if you haven’t noticed. They will attack anyone that is a professing Christian and sincerely follows His teachings. Jim Carrey has starred in many movies. His star has declined in the last few years and he has moved on to painting political cartoon pictures. Recently, he posted a painting on Twitter that portrayed a mangled Sarah Huckabee Sanders but didn’t say it was her. Sanders would not be attacked if she belonged to the Church of Leftism.

Carrey used the term “so-called Christian.” Often, believers are attacked with that phrase. Non-believers used it in an attempt to discredit Christians from their faith because they made a mistake. Christians fall from time to time. There is a difference between the actual Christian and the fashion show Christian, and that difference is repentance. They get back up and keep fighting the good fight.

Leftists have no problem attacking the faith of a Christian. There were nasty attacks made on Billy Graham not long after he passed away. Leftism is a religion of non-believers like those who attacked Reverend Graham. Christians often receive verbal abuse when they push back. The left tells them “you’re supposed to turn the other cheek,” a quote from the Bible leftists enjoys using against Christians.

Those who object to Christians use the Bible as a weapon against believers. There is a strange dichotomy with this tactic. They use the same Bible that is allegedly full of falsehoods in an attempt disprove where the facts and pillars of Christianity lay. In other words, leftists will use a book they don’t believe, trying to prove the same book wrong.

A search of Google images will bring many different paintings by Carrey. He has no problem attacking a Christian, but there were no paintings of grisly looking Muslims that just ignited a bomb, or shot up a Christmas party like in San Bernadino, or beheaded Christians in the middle of the desert. Why not, Carrey? Why are you only attacking Christians? Leftism is supposed to be about equality, right?

The one thing that would have kept Sarah Sanders from being attacked by Carrey would be Islam. The Left leaves Muslims alone, regardless of what they do. Radical Muslims can throw homosexuals off of rooftops, and there won’t be condemnation from the Left. However, if a Christian says they don’t agree with the lifestyle, with no threats of physical violence committed, they are bigots and hateful homophobes.

Christianity is the only religion that is attacked by liberals. The country was founded on traditional Christian-Judeo values, like it or not. Those long-established values fell under assault in the 1960s when leftism started making a push. Since then, the United States has declined morally.

Why is Carrey allowed to make an offensive caricature of a female and not be denounced by the left for being a bully, sexist, or misogynist? Politics is the only reason that makes sense. Carrey is on the left-side of the aisle, so he is excused.

Leftism is a religion, and colleges are the churches. Professors are the preachers. Climate scientists, free-thinkers, and humanists are the prophets. Jim Carrey and Hollywood are the lonely, miserable and truly sad disciples. The congregation is a lost, tragic society of leftist citizens who have no hope for joy.

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