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Ignorance Is Bliss, but it’s Still Ignorance

by | Mar 20, 2018 | The Left

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One of the components that allow youngsters to enjoy their existence is ignorance of reality. As the saying goes, “ignorance is bliss.” The truth of this well-known saying misses one thing: Ignorance is still ignorance. Children are carefree in the most real sense. They run around laughing, playing and fall over without a care in the world. Kids are unaffected by the news and reality. Their lives consist of eating, talking to their friends, and counting down the days of summer. This is a genuinely happy time in their lives. Have leftists taken the blissful ignorance of children and turned it into something political?

Children eventually grow up to become adults. Reality strikes and some new adults decide to grow up mentally, accept reality, and become educated in real-world affairs. Others, leftists, never grow up. They choose to stay in the dark and clueless about the real world.

Predatory Ignorance

Leftism preys on large groups of citizens that willfully stay blind to the truth. Look at the United States education system, specifically colleges. Young teenagers, who have no real world experience or know very little about truth and consequences, leave home for college. A Professor will declare his or her education as wisdom to the students. In reality, the professor is a staunch leftist who never grew up to learn about the real world, parlaying their position to indoctrinate kids in leftism.

Therefore, we have ignorant adults teaching children, the majority of which can’t think for themselves, except how to react emotionally. College professors have abandoned critical thought or allowing differing opinions. Critical thinking has been proven more effective than emotional reactions in society.

Political Vacuums

To keep their political positions, Democrats must have voters who are ignorant. There is no other way to explain how people like Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Sheila Jackson-Lee, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, or Bill de Blasio are re-elected. The voter base must be willfully ignorant to keep these politicians in office.

Left wing policies don’t help citizens, they only hurt. Large cities that have been under Democrat control for decades such as Detroit, Miami, New York City, and Chicago have become places of multiple shootings a day, poverty, high unemployment, low wages, high taxes, the high crime rate in general and a prisoner to the welfare system. Democrats offer no solutions to these problems, except more taxes, and bigger government. Ignorance of voters who were not taught about the real world is the bliss of Democrats, and it is the voter’s fault.

Another saying is “ignorance is no excuse” when someone breaks the law. If ignorance of the law is not an excuse, what happened with Hillary? A well-known politician claims ignorance on a multitude of scandals, and she doesn’t answer for them. It seems a pillar of leftism requires a well-versed knowledge of applying willful ignorance.

Blissful Idiocy

Ignorance is not a feeling. It is the mental state of a particular situation or issue. Leftist sheep are blissful in thinking that more gun laws and gun control will stop an active shooter situation but the next evil maniac is just waiting for his chance. They blissfully believe that government control of healthcare is “wonderful.” Perhaps they should talk to Canadians that cross into the States for medical procedures because of long wait times. Leftist should look at pieces of an aborted baby, a baby that had a heartbeat, and describe how blissful pro-choice is for the child.

Being blissfully ignorant is not benign. It is very dangerous. Many tragedies occur because the Left doesn’t accept and understand reality. Policies that impact the life of unborn children, increasing taxes on families that are already financially strapped, health declining while waiting over a year for a simple medical procedure and safety for school children is not blissful. It is ignorant.

Nothing changes the negative effects of ignorance when bliss is attached.

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