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The Reality of“#MeToo” Virtue Signaling

by | Dec 18, 2017 | The Left

There have been so many sex abuse scandals lately that people are confused and asking themselves what is going on. Are all men pigs? Is the West a fundamentally unsafe place for women? That’s certainly the impression you get from the #MeToo campaign and the massive amount of accusations against politicians, media, and Hollywood personalities.

Part of the explanation for the avalanche of revelations is surely that some brave women first dared to speak about the abuse, and thereby emboldened others to follow in their wake. However, it seems unlikely that this is the whole explanation. Something else is also going on. Something sinister.

Consider the #MeToo campaign. What country in the world do you think dominates? Perhaps Saudi-Arabia where most maids are sexually abused by their employers? Or what about South Africa which is known as the rape capital of the world where half of the reported rape victims are minors? No, according to Google Trends, the #MeToo capital of the world is Sweden!

The campaign has been about 50 times more popular in Sweden than in the United States. In fact, the top countries are all Nordic and Northern European. By an extraordinary coincidence, they are also among the safest countries in the world to be a woman. It, therefore, seems highly unlikely that the campaign accurately reflects reality.

A far more likely explanation is the fact that no other country in the world has embraced the social justice victimhood ideology like Sweden. Sweden is renowned all over the world for committing cultural and ethnic suicide to prove how virtuous they are. Thus, virtue signaling seems to be the real motivation for #MeToo. In a culture where victims are celebrated as heroes, and where men routinely are denigrated as intrinsically evil, such virtue signaling is precisely what we should expect.

That is a shame because it trivializes real victims of sexual abuse.

It also draws away attention from the real story, which is that most of the sexual predators that have been revealed are leftists and self-avowed feminists. Is it a coincidence that Harvey Weinstein happens to be a major donor to the Democratic party, or that Bill Clinton was a notorious womanizer and possibly serial rapist? Publicly, Democratic Senator Al Franken is a devout feminist. In private he likes to stick his tongue down the throat of unwilling women.

One person who seems to have noticed this pattern is WikiLeaks leader Julian Assange, who himself was accused of rape – in the #MeToo homeland of Sweden. In a recent tweet, he pointed out that the serial killer Ted Bundy was a feminist who volunteered in a rape crisis center.

The question people should be asking is not if all men are pigs, but rather why so many male feminists seem to be pigs. Sadly, this fact seems to have been lost in all the media confusion, and conservatives have not stayed on the ball and allowed the left to get away with worming their way out of trouble by blaming the victim – again.

This could have been a scandal about how the left stands naked without a shred of moral legitimacy. Instead, it has petered out into a haze of leftist virtue signaling.

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