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Biden’s Opening Salvo: Insulting Trump Voters

If calling Trump a racist is the basis of his presidential campaign, what is Joe Biden saying about Trump voters?

by | Apr 29, 2019 | Articles, Politics, The Left

Imagine walking up to a woman in a polka dot dress who is interviewing you for a job and saying, “people who wear polka dot dresses are so trashy.” Or trying to convince someone to buy an insurance policy from you by telling the prospective customer that his current provider is a reprehensible person. Well, that is exactly what Joe Biden has done by putting all the eggs in his campaign rollout video in the Trump-as-Hitler basket.

Addressing potential voters, Biden declared:

“We saw Klansmen and white supremacists and neo-Nazis come out in the open [in Charlottesville], their crazed faces illuminated by torches, veins bulging, and bearing the fangs of racism … And that’s when we heard the words from the president of the United States that stunned the world and shocked the conscience of this nation. He said there were “some very fine people on both sides” … I believe history will look back on four years of this president and all he embraces as an aberrant moment in time. But if we give Donald Trump eight years in the White House, he will forever and fundamentally alter the character of this nation.”

A quick trip down memory lane reveals why the strategy revealed in this video is potentially – or likely – disastrous. Donald Trump was able to pull off the upset of a lifetime in 2016 by running the table in the upper Midwest behind what had long been called the blue wall. And everyone knows that the Democrats’ eventual 2020 presidential nominee will need to win back those voters to have any chance for victory. But instead of trying to convince them of his own bona fides, Biden assails the man they voted for last time. It’s pretty simple. If you call a candidate racist, you are calling his voters the same thing. All 63 million of them.

Lies and Distortions

Forgetting even that the video – and thus his campaign – is based on a flagrant distortion of what Trump actually stated, the former vice president’s message flies in the face of the most basic political analysis: Flyover folks voted against everything Biden represents. And yet he said on the day of his announcement that his message to the American people is that “America is coming back like we used to be.” This tagline would appear to be, as Rush Limbaugh amusingly observed, the first draft of what ultimately became “Make America Great Again,” but its meaning is the opposite of MAGA: Let’s return things to the way they were under Obama, when we experienced low growth, stagnating wages and millions abandoning the workforce. But at least Barack was civilized.

Underpinning Biden’s video is a subliminal yet unambiguous message: “I have no real ideas but at least I’m not Trump.” Given his long but entirely undistinguished record and his nostalgia for the Obama years, this amounts to an admission that Joe Biden has nothing to say, no new ideas, and no clue about the mood of the American electorate. And why would he? He has spent the entirety of the last half-century as a Washington corporatist insider, just like Hillary Clinton.

[perfectpullquote align=”right” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=”24″]Biden is evidently counting on voters’ remorse.[/perfectpullquote]Did Sleepy Joe (Trump’s current moniker for him) not notice that the two candidates who electrified voters in 2016 did so by running on the theme that the system is rigged, overrun with career politicians like him and that major systemic reform was necessary to return government to its essential function of serving the common man? Independents Trump and Bernie Sanders, running under the two major party banners, attracted massive support with their promises of aggressive disruption. One of them came from nowhere to almost knock off the Democrats’ anointed one. The other lapped a field replete with the best his party had to offer, and won the election.

And yet, Biden is evidently counting on voters’ remorse, hoping against hope that, despite the many bold promises made by Trump which have now become reality, they will regret their votes, because, you see, the president is a white supremacist. Of course, the voters were already well aware of Trump’s unrefined, bombastic, take-no-prisoners personality when they pulled the lever in 2016, and he still glided to a decisive victory in the electoral college. And now they are set to judge not his promises, but his performance. No wonder Democrats keep trying to change the subject to Trump’s personality and the awful things he has said, while they launch multiple fishing expeditions into every dark corner of his personal and professional life.

Despite spending his entire adult life as a politician, part and parcel of the swampocracy, Lunch Bucket Joe has attempted to position himself as a friend of the working man. He once again touted his birth in Scranton, PA, during his Friday appearance on The View, the mandatory rite of passage for Democratic presidential candidates. But the real stunner was when he stated shamelessly that “this president has done nothing to help this group.”

Showing His Age?

Wow. Talk about a gaffe. Once again, Biden’s age may be showing. Has he forgotten the facts of the Trump era: the over five million new jobs and rising wages of the ordinary Americans that Biden claims to champion? He would have been better off avoiding the subject altogether instead of making this preposterous assertion. But gaslighting may be all Biden has to offer – are you going to believe me, or your lying eyes? If you think the economy is booming and the employment outlook is rosy to the point where there are now actually more jobs than there are workers to fill them, you are delusional. And oh yeah, don’t forget that guy you voted for is a Nazi.

So, is Biden the only Democratic presidential candidate who hates Trump? That’s a good one. They all despise the president. But Biden is the only one who is basing his entire candidacy on Trump Derangement Syndrome, for he presents no ideas of his own. None. Say this for candidates ranging from Bernie to Fauxcahontas to Mayor Pete: They are not devoid of ideas. They may be really bad ones, but they are at least ideas. Then again, native intelligence has never been one of the former vice president’s strong suits.

Not His Problem

joe-biden8217s-senior-adviser-called-his-frontrunner-status-overhyped-said-she-cringed-at-hugging-jokeAlso on The View, Biden managed to weaken his already shaky standing among the rising radical base in his own party. One of his few moments of passion in the otherwise somnambulistic interview was when he argued with the show’s co-hosts about the many times he groped women over the years, basically saying it’s their problem, not his, because he meant no ill will. He begrudgingly and flippantly apologized for invading their space when pressed to the wall multiple times by the co-hosts. And on the issue of Anita Hill, to whom he apologized recently – 28 years after her explosive, uncorroborated testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee which he chaired – he employed the passive voice, saying “I’m sorry she was treated the way she was treated.” He started to carry on with the subject, and then stopped abruptly, avoiding yet another one of his infamous gaffes. Even the New York Times observed, “At times, Biden seemed inarticulate, rambling and stumbling over his words.”

So to recap, Joe Biden has launched his campaign for the White House by insulting the voters he needs to win over, and dismissing the validity of women’s concerns about his overt creepiness – in a party now committed to womens’ power. Sounds like a winning strategy, huh? It’s no wonder Trump, referring recently to Biden’s two previous failed presidential campaigns, called him One Percent Joe.


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