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6-3 SCOTUS Overturns SC Voting District Ruling – READ IN FULL

South Carolina’s Republican legislature did not act with illegal, racist intent in drawing district lines.

The United States Supreme Court ruled 6-3 that South Carolina did not violate the Constitution when drawing district lines. In the case Alexander v South Carolina Conference of the NAACP, a majority of the justices, led by Samuel Alito, determined that no racist intent was demonstrated by the Republican-controlled legislature when redrawing district lines.

The NAACP sued, claiming the initial redrawing was illegally discriminatory against blacks. An Obama appointee agreed, striking down the redistricting plan. South Carolina then appealed to the Supreme Court.

It is legal for legislatures to fashion voting districts to advance their political goals without racial animus. The Court broke along ideological lines with Chief Justice John Roberts joining Justice Alito’s opinion along with the rest of the conservative bloc of Clarence Thomas, Brett Kavanaugh, Neil Gorsuch, and Amy Barrett. Justice Elena Kagan wrote in dissent, joined by Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Ketanji Jackson.

Liberty Nation believes everyone should have the option to see opinions for themselves, without the spin. As such, we publish it here for you to READ IN FULL:

You can read the final ruling in Alexander v South Carolina Conference of the NAACP either in our read in full below, or click here for a PDF.

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