The radical leftists have given up on Dreamers, DACA, immigration, and sanity while grasping at issues to charm the yawning electorate. Now they focus solely on free stuff and climate justice. One might surmise they have attention deficit disorder, or perhaps a boiling pot of spaghetti on constant simmer to determine if anything will stick: It’s a dizzying process.
For the past three years, the introduction of pet political-attack phrases has been fast and furious. Nearly overnight, folks began to use misogynist, xenophobe, and triggered (the snowflake prelude to a temper tantrum).
But just as the word racist has lost all meaning due to progressives treating the inflammatory term as an all-purpose descriptive for all things associated with President Trump, another catch phrase will soon be relegated to the dumpster of Ye Olde Terms: white privilege.
Force Yourself to Look at Your Privilege
In September 2018 at the University of North Carolina – Charlotte (UNCC), academics beamed with pride as they unveiled a series of workshops for “white people only” among students and staff members. The events were billed as the White Consciousness Conversations. Unfortunately, every color was offended by being dissed, accused, or uninvited, and soon the UNCC brain trust had to invite non-pale folks to sit in and learn all about racism and white privilege.
The school’s website described the sound reasoning:
“This space is for all undergraduate and graduate students at UNC Charlotte who are interested in engaging in conversations to assist in their understanding of how racism is perpetuated individually, culturally, and systemically.”
Buoyed by headlines and the fast-approaching 2020 cage fight between a party veering toward socialism and another steering right of center, UNCC attempted a reboot in 2019.
And it flamed out spectacularly.
With a campus population of 30,000 students, only nine showed up for session one, 0.02% of willing UNCC participants. The breakdown of attendees is more telling: Two were student journalists seeking a story, five were members of the university’s Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) chapter, and two were promised extra credit from professors.
As described by members of the conservative YAF group, the two-hour meeting was a one-way discussion on such topics as feminism, white privilege, toxic masculinity, and LGBTQ equality. And – who did not see this coming? – the assertion that racism is, inherently, perpetrated by white people because of their “whiteness.”
YAF member Kelly VonEnde, clearly disappointed and understanding that those two hours were forever ill-spent, was interviewed immediately by The College Fix – before possibly mainlining caffeine:
“I think the creators of this event had good intentions, but … we had two different definitions of racism. Unfortunately, if we can’t agree on the definition of racism then we can’t make any meaningful steps towards productive change.”
According to the Oxford dictionary and anyone with a lick of common sense, racism is defined as “prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own race is superior.”
It doesn’t mention white privilege.
A Matter of Time
If the nauseating narrative switchbacks stay true to which way the political winds blow, Democrats will soon be silencing the term “white privilege” and opt instead for a shiny new demographic to champion or denigrate. If all else fails, perhaps they will observe the three-pronged tactic of President Donald Trump: Identify an American need, address it, and try to fix it. Racism is a problem and to some degree will always be. As much as folks may want it, there is no legislative, reparating, hand-holding fix for morality. And until the Democratic Party stops trying to please the extremists and focuses instead on the electorate it is expected to serve, prepare to see more catchphrases and causes relegated to the burn pile.
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