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Trump Reaches out to the Heartlands

by | Feb 6, 2018 | Trump Administration

The Buckeye state felt the defrosting of winter today as President Trump radiated warmth in Cincinnati during his speech on tax reform, economic resurgence, and the Super Bowl at Sheffer Corp., a manufacturing company in Blue Ash, Ohio.

Still feeling the outpouring of praise and love from his first State of the Union speech, Trump recapped a year of administration successes, to a full house of factory shift workers.  It also served double-duty as he irritated the Democrats still reeling from the 2016 beat-down, that he is still Big Man on Campus, in a former liberal swing state territory.

He began by acknowledging his longtime friends and supporters in the audience, a few that were missing for various reasons, and did not allude to knowing Governor John Kasich (R-OH) whatsoever. That was the first of many stingers, expressed or applied by innuendo, in his remarks.  The rest were rumble worthy as only Trump can deliver.

Representative Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) was on the receiving end of political snark after touting the average family will see an extra $4k in returns with his plan:

“Nancy Pelosi again said that’s ‘crumbs’,” Mr. Trump said with a smile. “Well, she’s a rich woman who lives in a big, beautiful house in California who wants to give all of your money away.”

He said of the liberal lawmaker, “She’s our secret weapon. I just hope they [Democrats] don’t change her. She’s really out there. And I’m supposed to make a deal with her?”

And Trump announced that every Sheffer Corp. employee was receiving a $1K bonus thanks to tax reform.  And then he brought employees to the stage to reveal what they are doing with the extra money.  Who does that?  Trump.

And on the heels of another beat-down, as the Philadelphia Eagles put down the New England Patriots in Super Bowl LII, to the surprise of many, Trump let this little gem fly, “There was nobody kneeling at the beginning of the Super Bowl. That’s a big improvement. And on top of that, it was a really good game.”

Maybe the Trump Express is responsible for the NFL players standing at attention; or maybe in America, where the consumer is King, the people tired of NFL player’s antics finally changed that tune.  Regardless, class was restored on the field once again.

What’s Not to Like?

The  President reassured the audience that the 2018 Mid-terms would see Conservative successes, regardless of traditionally seeing a swing to the opposing team.  And he basically said he’s running again in 2020 as he said, “2020 will be even better.”

And he had a great rallying point, in the midst of ticking off the accomplishments of his administration, when he brought up the petulant behavior of Democrats during the State of the Union.  He decried their pettiness saying, “they were like death. And un-American.” And then someone in the back of the room yelled out “treasonous” and Trump acknowledged the patriot with “Yeah, I guess why not.”

It was a prompt for his base to respond, and they did, now the Democrats and their comrades in the media are scrambling to find fault.  Again.  But the working people of America, after an intense education these past two years, know better. The Heartland has not lost faith in this president, and they have the energy to keep the “dream” alive throughout the next seven years.  Was this a feeler speech for a soft campaign kick-off?  Possibly.  And it worked.

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Sarah Cowgill

National Columnist

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