These are the people who didn’t stop at legitimately opposing Trump in the GOP primaries, but provided aid and comfort to the left by ramping up their attacks on Trump as he battled Hillary Clinton in the general election.
They are the ones who virulently opposed candidate Trump based on what they thought he would do, but persist with the same script now that we see what Trump has done – so much of which is exactly what these stuck-up, virtue-signaling elitist Republicans and conservatives have claimed to be at the top of their own agenda for years.
Traitors at the Gate
Yes, these traitorous, self-important NeverTrump sore losers – many of them refugees from the Bush 43 regime – are just as unwilling to concede Trump has done anything right as they are to admit the Iraq War they championed was an unmitigated disaster which flushed so much of the nation’s talent, treasure and power down a rathole, and gave us eight years of Barack Obama.
These people are more reprehensible than the left for one simple reason: political reality in the strictest sense requires Democrats and the left to stand against Trump, just as Republicans stood against Obama. They would be committing a form of political malpractice to cozy up to this President. But the NeverTrumpers’ attacks on Trump are strictly gratuitous. They serve no political or policy purpose – other than to display their own moral superiority and provide talking points for the leftist-dominated establishment media (…..even Republicans like (fill in the blank) are skeptical about this horrendous tax reform bill…). They claim to fear for the future of the party with this vulgarian in the White House. Their stunning absence of self-awareness makes them the last to realize that it was they who wrecked the party and necessitated the ascendance of an outsider willing to come to DC with a wrecking ball.
Doubling Down
But instead of slinking away in shame at what their neocon policies wrought, they have, incredibly, doubled down, defended their indefensible record and bitterly attacked a duly elected President of their own party.
Just how bitter are the Bushies? Consider the flabbergasting fact that at least 30 Bush administration officials publicly supported Hillary Clinton (and Bush 41 was also “with her”) They threw a collective tantrum because Trump called out the mistakes and failures of their regime same as he has the Democrats. That’s one of the reasons he was elected President – despite virulent opposition from every quarter outside the deplorables: the left, the media, the congressional establishment, the permanent federal bureaucracy (i.e. the Swamp)…and the GOP NeverTrumpers.
Forgetting for a moment even this generational tax reform, one wonders what these conservative Trump rejectionists find unacceptable in Trump’s appointment of Neil Gorsuch and the flurry of constitutionalist federal judges, the roaring economy, the 35 percent rise in the stock market, the dramatic rollback of federal regulations,, immigration enforcement, taking on decades-long media bias, calling out UN imperialism …and all the other things they have claimed to desire for years which are now being implemented or accomplished by Trump.
Apparently, these things may only be achieved by a member of their own exclusive club. Deplorables need not apply.
If there was some way to let Hillary preside over these people in an alternate reality, maybe then they would realize that…even setting aside what Donald Trump has accomplished, they should be on their knees in gratitude to Trump just for winning the election and allowing America to avoid Mrs. Clinton’s kill shot on our constitutional republic.
Instead, they stew in the juices of their own bitterness, blindness and self-absorption. What a pathetic spectacle.