It is well known that Pro-Trump rallies receive far less coverage from the complicit media than their anti-Trump counterparts. This dishonest imbalance seeks to shape not just narrative but opinion, and in doing so favors only one side of the debate. And yet President Trump does have a major following… and not just in the U.S.
This week in the United Kingdom, 30,000 people gathered in the streets of Birmingham (U.K., not Alabama) to protest and show solidarity. The British and American media have quietly buried it because this was a pro-Trump rally.
The demonstrators were a loose coalition of various factions from Nigel Farage’s party UKIP, the Football Lads Alliance, the Veterans Party and many more, who all chose to march together under a banner stating loudly and proudly: “Make Britain Great Again!”
Key elements of protest included the failure of the government to respond to Muslim rape and grooming gangs, the lack of follow through on the Brexit vote, and the dangers of open border immigration. The few news agencies that deigned to cover the protest chose to spin it as a racist, bigoted group of haters gathering to spew bile… but this ignores the reality. In fact, the protest was attended by people of all colors, creeds, and beliefs; in the front ranks were British Indian Gurkhas who fought bravely for Britain against the fascists and Nazis… that they must do so again in their retirement is perhaps the saddest result of all.
The brave folk, sporting red “Make Britain Great Again!” caps led the chants of “We want Trump” to the applause of the crowd. But it is not the actual Donald Trump they are calling out for, it is someone who embodies what The Donald stands for: putting your own nation first.
It is not just in Britain that the motto “XYZ Nation First” has gained traction. During the last year, across Europe, there has been political upheaval with the old-guard elites being cast aside in favor of new parties who promise the same ideals as President Trump. Italy First! Germany First! Hungary First!
Polling conducted at the beginning of this year shows that support for President Trump (and his policies) is increasing in the U.K. Despite the almost constant negative barrage of news coverage, many Brits are waking up to the fact that across the pond, there is a leader who actually cares more about his country than about a Globalist agenda.
Perhaps it is not The Donald himself that appeals, but the message; yet without the correct messenger things are often lost in translation.